Civlization VI

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Civlization VI

Unread postby hellegennes » 04 Nov 2016, 00:09

Anyone's playing Civ VI yet? I enjoy it quite a lot. There is much room for improvement but the release version is pretty smooth at least. I encountered no major bugs, only very minor things. The gameplay is quite good, sound is brilliant, Sean Bean is wonderful, the game is quite complicated but fast-paced and it has many features one would think they would leave for future expansion packs. It is also reported that it's the fastest selling Civ game of all time.

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Re: Civlization VI

Unread postby Kalah » 05 Nov 2016, 18:37

I'll probably buy it for Christmas, even if the tech tree is messed up as Ethric says. Hearing about the game has made me want to play Civ IV again, though, so I think I'll reinstall that one.
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