CJLee on Heroes 7 Unique Playstyle
Those who have followed this forum should know that I am one of the most vocal opponents of Ubisoft, and often have negative things to say. But this post is totally different. I am going to do some constructive discussion here, and hope that others can contribute to this discussion in the spirit of learning.
Heroes 7 is different from its predecessors in many ways. This is something you may not appreciate when playing through the campaigns, and there are many things that I only learned with time when I got other heroes to play with. I hope that by sharing my experiences I can inspire others to share theirs. There is no way I can try out every single hero type on my own.
Obvious differences:
among the obvious differences I must make mention of are the use of terrain cover and flanking. Credits to Limbic for inventing these two concepts. Now that I have been playing with cover and flanking for a while, I can’t imagine going back to heroes 3 and playing without these.
Cover works only when all of a unit is directly behind something. This means that if you have shooters arranged at different angles, some can hit the covered enemy without penalty. Also a big creature is harder to cover than a small creature. Very sensible. Thanks to Cover, I have learned the wisdom of positioning my shooters at two corners rather than bunching them all together. You must be next to the obstacle. Being one square away does not count.
If during the pre-battle tactics phase you can see a big rock, quickly position all your guys behind that rock. It's really an awesome way of protecting your troops. In v1.7 shooting from cover had the same penalty as being shot at whilst under cover, but in v2.1 shooters who are under cover have no penalty.
Flanking is a very beautiful concept that I was enthusiastic right from the start. Now as the bugs have been reduced, the player is now often challenged with many decisions. If you flank an enemy, you often wind up standing behind him – and therefore even closer to other enemy stacks. This puts your back to opponents who might not be able to reach you otherwise. So you often have to make tradeoffs between flanking an enemy, and keeping your troops safe.
Pol had a tip about how to make your troops face the correct direction after moving, so as to avoid being flanked by the enemy. I was unable to make this tip work. In any case, if you are flanking an enemy from his back, Pol’s tip won’t work for you since you have to face the enemy in order to attack him. That puts your back to other enemy stacks.
Flanking also makes for many tough decisions. There are many bonuses and abilities that are associated with flanking, but of course you have to change your troop positioning in order to benefit from them. If you are playing Dungeon, Shades and Assassins can do a lot of harm with their shadow abilities, hero powers, poisoned daggers, etc. But you are always risking these fragile troops when you break cover. In contrast, your minotaurs can never be flanked on the first hit – since they will turn and retaliate before being hit. Sometimes I have found that minotaurs’ job is simply to position themselves such that nobody else can hit your Shades. A blow that will cost the Minotaurs 100 damage without any deaths, could easily take the lives of 20 Shades. On a similar note, it doesn’t matter which direction your vampire lords are facing, since they can’t be flanked.
Flanking is very interesting when playing Haven. Cuirassers do really well with flanking, since they can both run more squares thereby getting more damage, and they get the flanking bonus too. But it always exposes them to other enemy units so they get killed more easily. Haven has many defensive bonuses from turtling next to other units. So I have to make tough decisions.
Less Obvious Differences:
I did not notice this during the campaigns, but when playing some of the big maps recently I was quite impressed at some of Limbic’s newly minted abilities.
Some abilities are quite good if you are able to bring them to level 4.
In battle:
When H7 first came out most people complained that it was dull and heroes were too homogenous. I think Limbic has been doing a good job of tweaking. Now at v2.1 (which I consider 1.1 when you consider that game was released at a Beta standard of development), I am starting to see some serious differences when you develop an ability to the fullest. Level 4 is called Grandmaster, although I will refer to it as Level 4 in this article because I don’t want to confuse it with the Level 5 Grandmaster skill that is found in Heroes 4 which I’m sure we all remember better.
Some level 4 skills are merely extentions of the level 3 Master skill.
Some are must-haves. I’m sorry that Limbic did not document these Grandmaster skills properly; nor does it document these skills in-game when you are hiring heroes, so often we don’t know what we are getting and don’t get heroes who can develop some skills to Grandmaster potential.
Level 4 Exploration, Familiar Terrain, is nearly as impressive as Grandmaster Logistics in H4. On top of your other logistics skills and abilities, you get an additional 20% movement in areas you control! This 20% stacks on your other abilities, artifacts, bonuses, etc so you really get a lot of movement. (Also note that some artifact combos increase your movement. 2 Elven Craft artifacts +4 movement, there are +4 movement boots) I was able to get 38 movement on a hero, and it seems the 20% stacks on top of this 38 movement as well as the 10% that comes from Governor powers so you can travel from one end of an area of control to the other end in just one day.
Level 4 Air Magic, Storm Lord, is also very impressive. Your troops can all do area damage with air magic, and it doesn’t hit friendly units. This isn’t overpowered since the area damage is much reduced. Since there are very few units in this game that are immune to air magic, you can decimate the enemy from a distance very effectively with this. By far the best practitioner of such skills are the Stronghold Shamans since they all get air magic. Even a fairly middling Shaman can boost his ranged troops’ attack stats by a frightening 40-50 with just this spell! (I was waiting for the AI to cast Dispel Magic or Shroud of Fog, but have never seen them do anything that remotely approaches intelligent play.)
Most of my playing Storm Lord has been using ranged units or melee 1-square units. To my surprise, this ability works on units adjacent to your Big, 4 square melee units even if these enemy units are not adjacent to each other. IE if you fly a celestial into the middle of the enemy and attack one unit, the Storm Lord ability will activate and attack every enemy that is adjacent to the celestial. I quite doubt that this is a bug or will be changed in future patches.
Level 4 Dark Magic, Shadow of Dread, practically begs you to cast Agony on a whole bunch of enemies at the start of every game...
Level 4 Destiny, Fickle Magic. Haven’t tried or experienced it because I haven’t come across a hero that can get it.
Level 4 Diplomacy, Suzerain. This ability is truly far more awesome than the Suzerain ability in H5. All your governor bonuses can apply to all your castles. Unlike many other Ubisoft creations, this does not seem bugged. (I was convinced that it wouldn’t work, but was proven wrong.)
Level 4 Economy, Estates. Although this shares the same name as Estates in previous versions of Heroes, now Estates increases all town incomes by 15%! It is even better than a Tear of Asha if you have several towns.
Level 4 Earth Magic, Nature’s Vitality. Increases all your unit healths by 15%. Bizarrely although I love Earth magic and have developed many heroes to this level, I have never seen it in action. I would advise most people... to avoid getting this ability if they are playing with Sylvan or Stronghold troops. The reality is that anyone skilled in Earth Magic will already have Entangle, Stone Skin and Regeneration. With my playstyle focused on ranged troops, I have found that I don’t get hit very much if I have such a powerful hero with top level Sylvan or Stronghold ranged attackers like Cyclopses and Treants. Having more vitality is actually less useful for keeping my units alive, since Regeneration and Green Dragon/ Oak Dryad abilities don’t scale up in turns of the hp healed! This ability would be most awesome for Haven and Dungeon because they get hit more often. But I haven’t come across any Haven or Dungeon hero who can maximize Earth Magic...
Level 4 Fire Magic, Fire Mantle. The official description says it adds fire damage for melee troops and gives them a fire shield. I don’t find it generally that great if you like playing ranged strategies like me. Storm Lord adds more damage. I also don’t like abilities that let you inflict damage after you are hit – it messes up my planning because I like to heal or regenerate troops first, so I don’t like it when enemies get killed by fire shield when attacking me.
Having played Wilhelm with this, I found myself changing my strategies. Fire Mantle works very well for melee troops. Even one Legionnaire can inflict a heck lot of damage now. On your justicars (they hit twice) Fire Mantle is awesome.
Level 4 Leadership, Reinforcements. I have much praise for this ability. Reinforcements in H6 was overpowered – by getting it early, every hero can increase the size of his forces every battle. Now this perk is available only to the rare hero who is actually able to learn Level 4 leadership. I think Limbic has done the right thing.
Level 4 Light Magic, Chosen of the Light. It increases the stats of your target creature every time you cast a light spell on it. I have played with heroes with this ability but it really did not make much difference for me because of my playstyle. I don’t care for Light Magic spells most of the time. In H7 Light Magic is not like Light Magic back in H5 where you really wanted to keep boosting your troops’ abilities with Light Magic. H7 Light Magic is basically to attack the enemy, or to heal injured troops. The buffing contribution is more modest. I haven’t had much use for Light Magic otherwise.
Level 4 Paragon, Master of Magic. This is another useless skill. By the time you get such a high level paragon hero, you will have accumulated a bunch of skills that don’t do your fighting or your economy much good. Most heroes can’t learn more than 3 magic skills, and usually you have at least 1 magic school built up. So you have to learn novice magic skills to get master skills in other schools, but even though you can cast with Master skill, your Master ability doesn’t come with the valuable mass perks that you can choose when leveling up organically. I have played with two Paragon heroes with Master of Magic and never found them much useful. They were always secondary or tertiary heroes and aren’t even good squires for my main hero because they lack logistics.
Level 4 Prime Magic, Clarity. This lets you cast a second time if your first spell is a Prime Magic spell. When playing at v1.7 and 1.8, I found it awesome. I would cast Teleport, Summon Elementals or Implosion, and follow that up with a second spell that doesn’t need much spell power to cast – eg entangle. But from v2.0 onwards I had this bug where heroes would cast twice in every battle thereby using up 2x the mana for the same action, and v2.1 hasn’t fixed the bug for me. I can’t use Clarity anymore until the bug is fixed. No loss here – I’ve played overpowered Wizards too often and needed to explore other hero development paths anyway.
Level 4 Warcries, Warlord. This lets your warcries last for 2 turns. Very useful to have warcries last 2 turns, but I prefer to develop my magic abilities even for Might Heroes. Warcries don’t use up mana, but they don’t improve your troops as much as what low level magic spells can do. Even the least magic-orientated heroes will have some decent spell power by level 15 or 20, enough to increase his troops’ stats more than what a warcry can do. I find that Warcries should only be developed if your hero is severely lacking in mana or the ability to learn good spells. On most maps there are dragon nexuses and magic conservatories and artifacts/ structures that increase Spirit (Mana). As long as these resources are available, Warcries aren’t needed.
I would very much appreciate anyone who can prove me wrong on Warcries. I find it hard to justify getting a Warcry like Shoot when casting Storm Arrows costs the same number of points but increases attack far more. Sure, one needs mana and one doesn’t. But if you are playing a Might hero with very little mana, chances are your Hero Attack can do far more damage than the damage increase from a Warcry. So why do you want to waste hero actions on Warcries when you can be dispatching the enemy with hero attacks?
Level 4 Water Magic, Frostbite. I find this very useless because the hero is forced to cast water spells on the enemy before frostbite sets in, and the damage is minimal anyway. I did get it on at least 2 heroes, but hardly had any opportunity to use it. On both heroes, I was casting Tsunami at every opportunity. Tsunami does a whole load of damage to the entire enemy lineup and typically the enemy is dead before frostbite is activated.
More Useless Grandmaster Abilities:
During the campaign phrase I did not find it worthwhile to develop many heroes to Grandmaster level. For instance, Grandmaster Warfare Units is really quite useless. It doesn’t give you a qualititive edge. When every enemy stack can do 4-8k of damage, who cares whether your war machine can do 800 damage or 1k damage? This is only for bullying the AI when creeping. H7 Warfare Units are not the War Machines ability seen in Heroes V, where one really powered catapult with the right artifact can kill 16 Shadow Dragons per turn (4 dragons per turn, firing four times).
The healing tent is also close to useless after a while because of one simple reason – it does not resurrect even if you have Grandmaster Warfare Units. In Heroes V, you can get the perk where your healing tent resurrects dead units. Now that makes sense. Otherwise you can heal for several hundred hp, but you don’t have any creatures that can take full advantage of this. Not as if you have the Last Stand ability from Heroes V where you can rescue an Angel with 1hp left and heal that Angel back to full health.
I did have a pretty tense battle where I had one hero who specialized in the Healing Sister, one black dragon, and a castle with a week worth of garrison troops fighting off a higher level enemy hero with several weeks worth of troops. I won. Unfortunately this pleasing battle outcome was spoilt because of bugs. AI gave the enemy far more experience than me although they killed far less and were defeated anyway...
Perfect Defence and Perfect Offence are also pretty useless most of the time. If you have a hero that is Offence orientated, you have already developed this hero and raised his Offence stats real high. Unless you insist on playing with masses of Core/ Tier 1 units in late game, you will rarely meet enemies with higher defence than your offence. Ditto for Perfect Defence – it doesn’t do much good for a Defence-orientated hero. I suspect it only works when facing an enemy with similar stats who has buffed his troops with spells.
Some observations:
There are a few bad habits that you need to get rid of from past versions of Heroes. In past versions there were unique racial abilities that could only be enjoyed by troops of the same town.
Nowadays your hero abilities are applicable to all their troops, not just troops from the same race/ town. This means that Everyone can benefit from Nature’s Revenge, Everyone experiences Bloodrage, Everyone can get shrouded, etc.
For me, the main thing to note is that when I have a barbarian hero leading a mixed army, Everyone must move every turn. Because bloodrage stats affect the entire army, when I have even one unit defending or waiting, everyone’s bloodrage goes down and they become less effective fighters. As a player who prefers ranged attacks, I am forced to have my melee troops jog around in order to prevent losing bloodrage advantages.
Because of the way that Bloodrage and Metamagic works, Barbarians and Wizards are at opposite ends in their playstyles. Barbarians want to conclude a battle quickly because they start with high bloodrage. As the battle wears on, bloodrage goes down and troops get less effective. (This is true until Barbarian gets Grandmaster Bloodrage which allows killed stacks to add to bloodrage, but even so Bloodrage drops by 2 each round so you have to kill 2 enemy stacks in a round to keep your bloodrage in the same place.) In contrast, the Wizard gets more formidable as the battle continues and metamagic rises. But this bonus (maxing out at 10 Metamagic points, which translates into 10% additional damage from spells if you have Grandmaster Metamagic) is quite marginal compared with how much better a barbarian’s troops get with more bloodrage and the ability to increase bloodrage during a battle.
I used to like being the Wizard in previous Heroes versions. But now I’m much more ambivalent. As my walkthrough threads show, I have played Wizards in H7 with awesome spellpower, inflicting enormous damage with implosion or simply breezing through every battle with a single super power Elemental summons. Yet when you explore the Wizardy world more, my enthusiasm is dampened. Metamagic takes several rounds to reach its full potential, unlike other abilities that work right off the bat. I have never played H7 multiplayer and have no intention to - and am very suspicious that in a multiplayer game the wizard will not find it so easy to beat other races.
Look at things this way:
Necromancy always works. It allows you to build an army in your own spare time so you come to the battlefield adequately prepared.
Bloodrage makes a barbarian very terrifyingly powerful in the first few rounds of battle – these that matter the most.
Nature’s Revenge is weaker than Bloodrage, but in a protracted battle (since Sylvan always has entangle and Druid thorns) Nature’s Revenge is extremely good for any focus fire strategy.
Righteousness boosts the entire army and greatly increases your chances of morale attacks. Your troops keep reinforcing each other and spurring each other on.
Metamagic becomes really powerful after several rounds. But how are you going to survive several rounds? Even if you put lots of points in defence, your army will be decimated by any competent human opponent by the time your metamagic rises sufficiently.
In previous versions of Heroes the Wizard could control the field with spells like Mass Slow, Hypnotize, Summoned Obstacles, Stasis, etc. In H7 none of the spells can control the battlefield. EG no real mass slow, entangle works on one unit and not at all on Unfettered units, blizzard on a small area, ice strike on one unit, frenzy on one unit without taking away its turn for that round, there is no blind or hypnotize or puppet master, you can’t summon traps and obstacles, the only summons is Summon Elementals and you can’t control the type of elemental summoned, etc. The Wizard is reduced to doing his best to survive until his metamagic gets strong enough to mount a retaliation. I wish it was easier to figure out the size of the battlefield before I got into a fight. On a very big battlefield or a siege situation the Wizard still has a chance, but on a standard open battlefield, a level 15 barbarian could probably kill a level 30 wizard.
I am really hoping that someone can come in and tell me how to play the Wizard better. While I don’t expect to be gaming against other human opponents, I really want to up my Wizard skills. I am not going to survive playing Wizard against any reasonable opponent.
The ways these abilities trigger have a new effect on your decisionmaking. In previous versions of heroes, it always made sense to try and kill as many enemies as possible. I’m sure all of us have experienced using a 1-unit stack to draw enemy retaliation, after which our entire army pounces on the same enemy stack. But because Bloodrage and Morale are affected by the number of stacks killed (and Nature’s Revenge on the stacks being hit), this calculation is no longer so simple. If you are a barbarian and throw in a 1-unit suicide stack that gets killed, the resulting morale boost to the enemy and morale drop on your side may change the order in which troops fight. Yet this can still work for a Sylvan hero, since any of your troops can make a mark on the enemy and this mark remains active for the same combat round even after your stack is destroyed by retaliation.
Wizards also have to be very careful with their spellcasting. H6 and H7 have taken creature immunities and vulnerabilities to considerably greater heights. If you blast a Shantri Titan with implosion, you had better make sure that Titan dies, because otherwise the Prime Magic makes the Titan more powerful!
This is particularly important when you are playing with War Machines. In previous versions of heroes, war machines were never significant if you didn’t specialize in them or invest skill points in them. Most people including me have gotten used to the idea that war machines don’t require much thinking.
In Heroes 7, War Machines all have their own type of attack. They can hit the enemy for dramatically more damage if their attack type matches the enemy’s vulnerability. But they can also drastically underperform if the enemy has immunities. For instance, since the Wizard’s Small Pyramid shoots Prime Magic, it is really weak against Magic immune creatures like the Gargoyle. And it is self-defeating to use a Small Pyramid against an enemy Titan.
Don’t expect the AI to do the right thing. They won’t. AI casts storm arrows even when there are no ranged attackers. They love blasting Cabirs and Fire Elementals with fire spells. I’ve had the AI cast entangle on my Sun Deers and Golems everytime. (It doesn’t work, but they can still cast it.) Having experimented with an uncontrolled war machine (I did not give my hero control of his small pyramid until after getting Level 5 war machines), I found that the AI’s choice of which units to attack with the war machine is really random and extremely poor. EG when there are a bunch of ranged enemies that I really want my Small Pyramid to hit, AI will choose to shoot genies instead who take half damage from these attacks.
Unlike previous versions of heroes, the number of your creatures in a stack don’t increase the likelihood that some ability will trigger or the time that an ability will remain active. I am sure that we all remember how Mighty Gorgons each have a 10% chance of killing an enemy, and that this ability stacks additively. We remembered how a large number of Gobin Shamans in Heroes V could counter an enemy hero’s spellcasting abilities. In Heroes VII, Medusas all have the same chance of incapacitating an enemy, so you might as well split their stacks so that you have more chances. More Medusas in a stack don’t increase the likelihood of incapacitation. Likewise if you are playing Sylvan, it makes sense for you to split your Master Hunters or have some 1-unit shooter fire before the main stack. Since Nature’s Revenge gets 1 point up per hit, if you have two 1-unit Master Hunters shoot first, your main stack will get to hit the enemy with +12 damage from level 3 Nature’s Revenge and make critical hits into the bargain!
Miscellaneous observations:
Lets say you are standing one step behind your own garrison. Are you safe? This is the type of question you will want an answer to if you have a scouting hero without any troops and don’t want to get killed because that means another costly hire. The reason why I might want to be standing one step behind my garrison, is so that my scouting hero can move a long distance the next day right out of my gates. The AI likes sending weak enemy heroes all over the place, while a human player like me will have all my troops with the main hero leaving the scouts with nothing. This means that somebody might not be able to kill my garrison, but as long as he has 1 unit in his troop slots he can kill my scout who has no troops.
Answer: the AI can attack you/ kill you without attacking your garrison. I believe this is not a bug, but something to do with the fact that you can move onto a garrison but ‘cancel’ the attack on the garrison. Since this move will temporarily put you on a square next to an opponent that is hiding right behind the garrison, presumably your next move will be to attack the opponent.
Solution? Stand two steps behind your garrison. IE let there be one visible square between you and the garrison. AI won't launch opportunistic attacks then.
Right now because of the Celestial's anti-negative spell aura, Haven has become the faction best for abusing armageddon. If you have tactics, you will be able to put all Haven units around your Celestials.
You can get poisoned by attacking a caravan of Dungeon troops! Presumably the hiring hero had the 40 Earth Damage perk.
(The best anti-poison move is to bunch all your Haven troops around your Celestials and Abbots. Nobody will get poisoned that way.)
BTW, I have found that the Justicar Opportunistic Retaliation doesn't work 3/4 of the time. They will stand around like morons while troops to your left and right get killed. This seems to be a patch 2.1 problem, because it was not an issue in v1.7. So I have been hiring mostly Abbots since they also fit my ranged preferences.
Sextant of the Sea Elves stacks additively, not geometrically. That means it adds 15% to your base movement, not your enhanced movement. If you get navigation that's +50% and if you get a lighthouse that is +15%. Calculation is not 1.65x1.15 but 1.65+0.15. That seems to be true of other logistics-increasing items as well.
In previous versions of Heroes, the human player (you) was always starting player. Flag numbers like Player 1, Player 2 didn't matter. We always treated these as meaningless names.
In H7, this matters. The turn starts on Player 1. Some of you may have noted that if you chose a different starting position (eg Player 6) the AI players would have their turns first.
What this means is that if you are Player 6 out of 8 players, if you have a hero that was defeated by Player 7 or 8 last turn, when it is your turn again, you can hire that hero again. Exactly like how it worked in the past.
If your hero was defeated by Players 1-5, you CANNOT hire that hero again until the next day. This is because the game still considers it part of the same turn.
This post is not intended to suggest that Heroes 7 is now a fully polished game. It is not. There are so many bugs that remain. I suspect it will take until v2.6 (the equivalent of v1.6 in Heroes V) before game is up to scratch.
Heroes 7 Unique Playstyle
Heroes 7 Unique Playstyle
Last edited by cjlee on 12 Sep 2016, 06:42, edited 8 times in total.
Re: Heroes 7 Unique Playstyle
That's very interesting post. From few video review which I seen, the games was slow paced and comentator was, well bored instead of excited. How fast it can cope?
Just remember, that even normal H3 is pretty slow. With HD mod it appears like fastest incarnation.
What about AI, aside of prescripted one in campaigns, can you test it in some single scenario?
Just remember, that even normal H3 is pretty slow. With HD mod it appears like fastest incarnation.
What about AI, aside of prescripted one in campaigns, can you test it in some single scenario?
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Re: Heroes 7 Unique Playstyle
Can you plese refresh my memory, what it was? All of tips&tricks are here. They were collected by Antalyan. That topic is sticky.cjlee wrote:Pol had a tip about how to make your troops face the correct direction after moving, so as to avoid being flanked by the enemy. I was unable to make this tip work. In any case, if you are flanking an enemy from his back, Pol’s tip won’t work for you since you have to face the enemy in order to attack him. That puts your back to other enemy stacks.
"We made it!"
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PC Specs: A10-7850K, FM2A88X+K, 16GB-1600, SSD-MLC-G3, 1TB-HDD-G3, MAYA44, SP10 500W Be Quiet
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Re: Heroes 7 Unique Playstyle
Tremendous work with this post here - much respect.
Re: Heroes 7 Unique Playstyle
Thanks. I will keep updating my original post with new things that I notice in game. Hopefully with time they can be a helpful guide for people to see how Heroes 7 works.parcaleste wrote:Tremendous work with this post here - much respect.
For the really popular Heroes there was never any need for me to post my observations since there were so many people happy to discuss the game. With H7 forum is very quiet...
BTW as of today, Ubisoft still has not finished updating their official website. Lots of entries are still missing. They are not acting as though they want this to be a successful business.
Re: Heroes 7 Unique Playstyle
no doubt many people playing H7 have noticed this, but those who havent' played it won't know so I'm going to note these differences with previous versions of heroes.
Morale now applies to inanimate units and war machines.
That's right, Elementals and War Machines can lose their turn due to poor morale.
This is not a bug but game design. Unless your unit is labelled Construct or Undead (you can check the info to confirm its status), you can be affected by morale.
Constructs are things like Golems and Gargoyles. Undead is the entire Necropolis faction.
Regeneration does not work on titans but the wizard’s healing tent does. Same goes for anything labelled Construct. The only other thing that can heal a construct is a Master Cabir.
Elementals can be regenerated but not resurrected by Celestials or healed by light magic. Healing tents work on them.
no doubt many people playing H7 have noticed this, but those who havent' played it won't know so I'm going to note these differences with previous versions of heroes.
Morale now applies to inanimate units and war machines.
That's right, Elementals and War Machines can lose their turn due to poor morale.
This is not a bug but game design. Unless your unit is labelled Construct or Undead (you can check the info to confirm its status), you can be affected by morale.
Constructs are things like Golems and Gargoyles. Undead is the entire Necropolis faction.
Regeneration does not work on titans but the wizard’s healing tent does. Same goes for anything labelled Construct. The only other thing that can heal a construct is a Master Cabir.
Elementals can be regenerated but not resurrected by Celestials or healed by light magic. Healing tents work on them.
Last edited by cjlee on 12 Sep 2016, 03:19, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Heroes 7 Unique Playstyle
More addendum since I was uploading photos
One thing that Ubisoft DID do correctly, is this. http://imgur.com/g5T7EHG
The AI looks for cover and will indeed make use of it. In this picture, I was really threatened by the Trogodytes.
I’m playing Nur here on Day 2 I think. http://imgur.com/8RBhQcN I find that seeking cover is very important in the early stages of the game. My first aid tent prevented the genie from being killed while my covered Cabirs whittled away the enemy.
One thing that Ubisoft DID do correctly, is this. http://imgur.com/g5T7EHG
The AI looks for cover and will indeed make use of it. In this picture, I was really threatened by the Trogodytes.
I’m playing Nur here on Day 2 I think. http://imgur.com/8RBhQcN I find that seeking cover is very important in the early stages of the game. My first aid tent prevented the genie from being killed while my covered Cabirs whittled away the enemy.
Re: Heroes 7 Unique Playstyle
More Random observations:
I find it pretty hard to play Blademage or Alchemist in v2.2. This underscores how important initiative is, and how important Prime magic is to the Academy faction.
I never had a problem with troops acting too slowly when playing almost any other faction or hero specialization. But try an Academy might hero without Prime Magic/ Time Control, and you can see for yourself how slow your damage dealers are. I purposely refused to get Prime Magic in favour of other magic types, and was struggling all the way.
I find it pretty hard to play Blademage or Alchemist in v2.2. This underscores how important initiative is, and how important Prime magic is to the Academy faction.
I never had a problem with troops acting too slowly when playing almost any other faction or hero specialization. But try an Academy might hero without Prime Magic/ Time Control, and you can see for yourself how slow your damage dealers are. I purposely refused to get Prime Magic in favour of other magic types, and was struggling all the way.
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