More Uplay nonsense. Gamers beware!

The game Might & Magic: Heroes VII, developed by Limbic Entertainment.
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More Uplay nonsense. Gamers beware!

Unread postby cjlee » 09 Aug 2016, 16:34

Thus far I have only used Heroes 7 on one computer, so I did not clue into Ubisoft's paranoia about having their precious intellectual property misappropriated.

Today I installed Windows10 on a new computer and decided to try out H7 on that as well.

Turns out that whenever you sigh into your ubisoft account from another computer, email and password are not enough. They make you go through a two-factor authentication process that must be done within 3 minutes. I had to type several codes and transit between my cell phone and my computer to reassure Ubisoft/Uplay that I wasn't sharing my account with another person.

With paranoia like this, how are they ever going to cooperate with GOG and sell their old games? GOG has no DRM, which Ubisoft can't possibly accept. And it looks like if you are ever going to play H7 on more than 1 computer you will have to go through the two factor authentication process everytime.

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Re: More Uplay nonsense. Gamers beware!

Unread postby Avonu » 09 Aug 2016, 18:20

Not only that, but since last update you can't launch Uplay offline - so if you are not connected to web, forget about playing anything which need Uwon'tplay DRM - including H7 and MM10.

Steam also need confirmation if you log in from different machine, so it isn't just Uwon'tplay.

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Re: More Uplay nonsense. Gamers beware!

Unread postby gourley4p » 09 Aug 2016, 18:23

This also happens every time you log into a new browser and/or machine with Steam. I think it also happens with the Blizzard launcher. Seems to be a common security measure with game launchers. I have not tested with EA's Origin or GOG's Galaxy.

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Re: More Uplay nonsense. Gamers beware!

Unread postby cjlee » 12 Aug 2016, 10:16

For anyone who has been reading this:

Uplay doesn't work well enough to recognize whether a license is being abused and given to other people. It screws up your system without fail.

I merely migrated my H7 from my old windows7 computer to my current windows10 computer.

Both are on the same network - connected to the same router - and share the same IP thanks to the router.

I never have two of them on at the same time, since the purpose was to upgrade my personal computer which is several years old. Once H7 was installed on my new computer I have never logged into H7 from another computer. In other words there was never any chance that the gamer was not me.

Yet everytime I want to play H7 (several times in the past week), I had to log in again (despite ticking that remember me box which doesn't seem to work) and do two factor authentication and pull out my cell phone.

I completely deleted Uplay and H7 from my old computer including all savegames, but U-be-screwed doesn't seem to have noticed this. Everytime I want to play on my current (new) computer I still have to do the two factor authentication nonsense.

Right now the only entities that make me do two factor authentication are my two banks and Ubisoft. And my banks don't make me do two factor nonsensication unless I want to transfer money. Even paypal, despite its notorious paranoia and security features, does not make me do two factor authentication unless something suspicious (such as logging in from another IP address) takes place.

Ubisoft DRM is really much like that company - very greedy and profit minded and small mindedly obsessive against possible piracy. They don't care about giving the gamer a good time, only to make as much money as possible. They seem to think H7 is the best game in the universe and hordes of software pirates are beating down the doors to steal access to this game - when H7 is so bad that software pirates are not even interested in pirating this game. I am actually afraid of the lack of piracy, because it means we don't have enough Russian and Chinese guys making custom scenarios.

If I were Ubisoft, I would actually release expansions for free with the long term view of building up the much-damaged franchise and getting greater profits for a rejuvenated H8.

H7 vanilla still has bugs. I sometimes still come across screwups such as troops vanishing from battlefield or double spell casting in combat. To release the expansion without fixing the original, and charging the same price as the original, is incredibly arrogant.

Lest anyone wonders, I am still not greatly taken with H7. I have finished all official campaigns as well as the Lost Tales. I am only interested in finishing one of each map for the six custom scenarios - I just wanted to try out each race once. So far I have finished three maps. Three to go. Once done I won't be coming back to this website until 6 months later or whenever I decide to buy the Dwarven expansion. I figure Trial By Fire will be $9.99 in less than a year and can easily wait out that period without feeling the need to log in and play. Having purchased H7 vanilla for $9.99 (and complained incessantly about the bugs) I have no desire to buy an expansion for higher than $9.99.

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Re: More Uplay nonsense. Gamers beware!

Unread postby gourley4p » 12 Aug 2016, 19:07

Just a note here: I updated Uplay two days ago for the first time in a while (couple of months?). I was given an option to enable two-step authentication. It sounds like that is what you are going through. Here are the steps to turn it on. Perhaps you can reverse engineer and turn it off?

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Re: More Uplay nonsense. Gamers beware!

Unread postby cjlee » 13 Aug 2016, 13:17

nope, in my case, two factor authentication was forced on me because I installed H7 on a second computer. I certainly did not see the same screens as you did. but this is it, you see. If we even have to be having a conversation like this, Ubisoft clearly did not consider the user friendliness of their system.

Uplay still crashes often on my new computer. IE it crashes even on a totally different system with a different OS. Everything on my current (new) computer is still clean-installed and I haven't stuck in any out softwares which could be buggy. Ushit has absolutely no excuse for my new, more powerful, way over the specs and totally updated drivers computer crashing.

Must I buy 10 computers with 10 systems before I find one that doesn't crash Uplay often?

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