Unread postby gomaki » 25 Jan 2016, 10:56
Morning all. Going to copy a paste a message I put on HC just so you guys get a little further detail.
Changes to the skill wheel is certainly something that is a hot topic for mine. We've already started the process and there is something I can currently test. I can't go into too many details (though the VIPs know more so it's something that will be a collaboration process) and when I get the 'official' ok internally it's most certainly something i'll share here and will want further input/ideas on.
A point in note. All these skill wheel changes and 'big' things only effect Skirmish. They wont effect campaign and scenario maps for a verity of different reasons. But when It comes to skirmish we have a lot of sway.
These changes are also NOT 1.7 changes, they're future changes, but there is a thought process that some people could help test them before they're pushed live. Something i'll also keep everyone updated on if people would like to dedicate a bit of time to that (and it would be done in PMs if people would like to put themselves forward) Again this is a post 1.7 thing, with 1.7 not being far away depending on testing (all good so far)