I'm thinking about my review these days, and I started thinking about the possible categories that can be put up. In my H6 review, the categories were campaigns, editor, gameplay, graphics and music.
I'm taking suggestions.

cheers man, and I agree with covering the campaign mode in the review, I just wouldn't devote a large chunk of it to that mode and lump skirmish maps and multiplayer in elsewhere, like the H6 review (IMO if any mode should be weighted higher in importance, it should really be the completely unscripted scenarios and random maps, which represent the actual *game* itself in its purest form lol)gourley4p wrote:Erwinner gives you some great lenses through which to view each section. While I understand his excellent point about not giving to much weight to any play mode, I disagree with the premise that they don't each deserve separate attention. For instance, if I were to review MMH7 solely by my very positive Campaign experience, it would unfairly ignore the horrible state of multiplayer at launch. I might never play multiplayer, but that is the best part about for others. Likewise, the small number of skirmish maps combined with the reported inaccessibility of the map editor means I probably would rate the game low for a single player like Panda Tar who live for the one-off scenarios.
I agree somewhat. For instance, I have been going two months on the Campaigns so far. I will probably finish by the end of January. By then, it will almost be time for the Axeoth DLC. By the time I finish those, it will nearly be time for the first expansion. It is all about play style. For me, 4-6 months of gameplay will be very nice for the price.Galaad wrote:The thing about campaigns is that you won't play them ad infinitum. I believe most players will play them once or twice then that's it
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