Please report bugs here.
Nothing else in this thread, just bug reports (to make it easy for the devs to read).

At the bottom of your bug report, you can report your computer specs: CPU, OS, RAM, graphics hardware and software.
New bugs:
- Blank Spell Book for hero in combat and adventure map. Reloaded several save games going back several turns....still blank spell book. Quit game to desktop and re-enter game. Reload save, still blank spell book! There are no "school" tabs along the left hand side of the spell book.
- Went back to town and got my spells "back". But then, I noticed my skills were kind of "reset". My skill wheel had lost all my perks I had unlocked!
- New neutral creatures "invisible" in combat, just a number tile visible (if 32 frog things, only a number tile with "32" shows on battle map)