Bug reports after patch 1.5

The game Might & Magic: Heroes VII, developed by Limbic Entertainment.
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Bug reports after patch 1.5

Unread postby Madaxe » 20 Nov 2015, 17:35

[Topic edited by admin to include general bugreporting tips]

Please report bugs here.

Nothing else in this thread, just bug reports (to make it easy for the devs to read). :)

At the bottom of your bug report, you can report your computer specs: CPU, OS, RAM, graphics hardware and software.

New bugs:
  • Blank Spell Book for hero in combat and adventure map. Reloaded several save games going back several turns....still blank spell book. Quit game to desktop and re-enter game. Reload save, still blank spell book! There are no "school" tabs along the left hand side of the spell book.
  • Went back to town and got my spells "back". But then, I noticed my skills were kind of "reset". My skill wheel had lost all my perks I had unlocked! 8|
  • New neutral creatures "invisible" in combat, just a number tile visible (if 32 frog things, only a number tile with "32" shows on battle map)

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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.5

Unread postby runemaker » 21 Nov 2015, 02:36

I'm also getting the blank spell book bug. When I enter combat and it's my heroes turn, there are no spells to cast, and they can not attack either. Back on the adventure map, the spell book is still empty. This is after playing a senario for a few hours and getting the main hero to level 9 with a spell book that was full of spells. Now I'm stuck.

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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.5

Unread postby Kalah » 21 Nov 2015, 21:27

The wait/defend hotkeys (keyboard) don't work after casting a spell.
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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.5

Unread postby Panda Tar » 22 Nov 2015, 00:17

Hmmm, several reports at SC about that bug too, when loading saves, heroes would 'forget' skills and spells and couldn't attack, act, cast spell or anything in battle. Avoid loading other saves, because people got this bug spreading to other saves, so better wait next patch if you are experiencing this.
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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.5

Unread postby gourley4p » 22 Nov 2015, 04:42

Which bug: Enemy heroes show as "Threat: None (will not interact with you) after loading a save file.
Details: 4th Academy Campaign, happens every time
Effect: After loading a save file, the enemy heroes show as no threat. This changes after clicking the End Turn button.

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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.5

Unread postby Alfalken » 22 Nov 2015, 10:33

I got the empty spellbook bug too. Happened to one of my Hero on Necro 3, but not the other. I'll try to poke around to see if this is solvable.. if not then I guess I just got screwed.. again. >.<

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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.5

Unread postby Panda Tar » 22 Nov 2015, 13:08

Er ... Mushi-Mushi at SC told the following to 'solve' the problem with spells disappearing from hero's spellbook. Hold yourselves, because this is something groundbreaking. :lol:
Hi Heroes, if you have an issue where after patch 1.5 you find your spells missing, move the hero with empty spell book to any town with magic guild, to learn the spells again.
There, solved. :D I confess I laughed. But ok, just check if all spells are learned back, instead of only those contained at the Magic Guild, which would make this tip a bit more helpful. :tsup:


Someone could, pwetty please :please:, delete my multiple posts? I sort of missclicked EDIT and QUOTE and posted by mistake like a retard. Delete the two above, not this one.
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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.5

Unread postby Alfalken » 22 Nov 2015, 15:33

Well that fix works with spells, but it doesn't fix the broken skills and abilities.. like warcries.

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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.5

Unread postby runemaker » 23 Nov 2015, 03:36

Yeah, moving the hero back to a town does make them re-learn the spells but as others have pointed out you will then lose all your abilities. So not really an ideal fix. I hope they patch this bug soon.

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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.5

Unread postby gomaki » 23 Nov 2015, 14:41

Hi all. We've identified and fixed some of the big issues 1.5 introduced like heroes losing there abilites and spells and we're pushing out a hotfix asap. Apologies you had to experience that over the weekend.

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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.5

Unread postby Panda Tar » 23 Nov 2015, 15:31

I asked Mushi-Mushi if there was any provisional way to regain those skills and abilities lost, but it seems only spells have an apparent temporary solution. Do you reckon it'll fix all saves from saved games after losing skills? My mind is thinking on 'cache memory' mechanism.
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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.5

Unread postby Alfalken » 24 Nov 2015, 03:27

Thanks for the heads up Dan. Looking forward for the hotfix so that I can play again. :)

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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.5

Unread postby Madaxe » 24 Nov 2015, 16:12

Hi gomaki. Is there any timeframe on the hotfix for fixing the heroes lost skills/spells? Pretty much game breaking, and would love to have things working again by Thanksgiving here in the US.

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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.5

Unread postby gomaki » 25 Nov 2015, 09:38

Hey all. We're 100% committed on the hotfix path for these issues (skill/spells disappearing, some retaliation stuff with Haven and about 4 more 'bigger' issues) and will push it ASAP. Our main problem right now is finding the Reproduction steps for the disappearing skills issue. We've identified the problem and can reproduce it randomly, but it's exactly that, randomly. When we get a solid list of do XYZ and it will happen we can accelerate the process of the hotfix.

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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.5

Unread postby Panda Tar » 25 Nov 2015, 13:08

gomaki wrote:Our main problem right now is finding the Reproduction steps for the disappearing skills issue. We've identified the problem and can reproduce it randomly, but it's exactly that, randomly.
That's a bit unnerving. :shh:
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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.5

Unread postby gomaki » 25 Nov 2015, 13:19

Panda Tar wrote:
gomaki wrote:Our main problem right now is finding the Reproduction steps for the disappearing skills issue. We've identified the problem and can reproduce it randomly, but it's exactly that, randomly.
That's a bit unnerving. :shh:
We actually found out what is causing it and how about 20 mins after I posted this. I'll keep people updated.

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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.5

Unread postby Alfalken » 26 Nov 2015, 04:56

Face of Fear still causes target to retalliate.. I think if the target can't retreat because the position behind it is occupied by another creature or obstacle. Dunno if this is intentional or not.

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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.5

Unread postby Alfalken » 01 Dec 2015, 14:06

Using Piercing shot like ability (Druid, Apprentice) still sometimes causes the creature to turn around. Weird.

Also, Grand Master Prime is erratic. Sometimes it allows me to doublecast, sometimes it just won't allow me to.

By the way, somehow I managed to complete another campaign (the Wizard/Academy one) without getting bothered by the spell/ability bug. But my Necro campaign is still bugged with that, and now it spreads to my main hero... I began to think that my Necro campaign is cursed. >.<

Any word on the patch for the bugfix?

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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.5

Unread postby Panda Tar » 03 Dec 2015, 14:06

gomaki wrote: We actually found out what is causing it and how about 20 mins after I posted this. I'll keep people updated.
So, I guess a cosmic drain popped up in thin air and sucked the team in? :panda:
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Re: Bug reports after patch 1.5

Unread postby Kalah » 03 Dec 2015, 14:23

Maybe. They haven't been very active on their own end either; pages on the official site are still not updated with creature information.

I guess it's a good thing they're focusing on the game.
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