I have played the Academy campaign's third map 4 times now and I just cannot beat it in time to reach the 12 week deadline ... This is really getting annoying. You have to plan incredibly accurately so you can complete everything at once ...
How ds the difficulty levels in this game strike you guys in general?
Campaign Difficulty
Campaign Difficulty
In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: Magnanimity, In Peace: Goodwill.
Re: Campaign Difficulty
Phew, finally managed it. Man, you really gotta be focused; can't waste a single turn.
In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: Magnanimity, In Peace: Goodwill.
Re: Campaign Difficulty
Still kinda stumped on Dungeon 4. *WARNING* Some spoilers ahead...
The "boss" enemies' armies are just too large and it really took awhile to build an army to be able to take them on.. and there are like, three of them.
Not to mention, one of the two heroes that persists throughout the campaign left your side after you beat the second boss fight. And sadly, she's my main combat hero cause I built the other guy poorly.
Thankfully I have an older save made before fighting the second boss, but I haven't gathered enough willpower yet to replay that map, especially since I realized that I have to fight the third (and prolly fourth) boss with my poorly-built hero.
Plus the map, especially the above-ground, is just too large with lots of nothingness in there. They don't even have a town that I can capture.
Necro 3 was pretty rough as well as it pits my two heroes and no towns, against three CPUs with a town and a hero each. Sure, there are two neutral towns deep inside the enemy territory, but still..
...but the worst part is that I lost my saves on that map after a resync problem with Uplay!
Other than those, the campaigns are okay so far. The bugs made it difficult and frustrating at times (sudden defeat on Dungeon 1, town not converting after battle in Haven 4) but so far they're playable, had some tough times but still fair (playing on Normal, FYI) and most importantly enjoyable. Haven 3 is my favorite map so far.
The "boss" enemies' armies are just too large and it really took awhile to build an army to be able to take them on.. and there are like, three of them.
Not to mention, one of the two heroes that persists throughout the campaign left your side after you beat the second boss fight. And sadly, she's my main combat hero cause I built the other guy poorly.

Plus the map, especially the above-ground, is just too large with lots of nothingness in there. They don't even have a town that I can capture.
Necro 3 was pretty rough as well as it pits my two heroes and no towns, against three CPUs with a town and a hero each. Sure, there are two neutral towns deep inside the enemy territory, but still..
...but the worst part is that I lost my saves on that map after a resync problem with Uplay!

Other than those, the campaigns are okay so far. The bugs made it difficult and frustrating at times (sudden defeat on Dungeon 1, town not converting after battle in Haven 4) but so far they're playable, had some tough times but still fair (playing on Normal, FYI) and most importantly enjoyable. Haven 3 is my favorite map so far.
Re: Campaign Difficulty
Finished the Academy campaign. Overall it was a fun one, though it has two maps with rather tight time limits (well, the time limit in the first one didn't come up until later, but still, it makes me have to skip some magic tomes and stat-ups). Also there's a (rather unexpected) section in the second map with the puzzle involving platforms. Even after I figured it out it took me quite awhile to get through it.
The final battle feels appropriately and epically climactic, has to be my favorite boss fight so far. Especially comparing how the Haven campaign can feel somewhat anticlimactic cause the endgame is mostly about chasing around enemy heroes (or whatever's left of them), finding and capturing their towns while making sure none of their heroes snuck by and capture your towns.
The final battle feels appropriately and epically climactic, has to be my favorite boss fight so far. Especially comparing how the Haven campaign can feel somewhat anticlimactic cause the endgame is mostly about chasing around enemy heroes (or whatever's left of them), finding and capturing their towns while making sure none of their heroes snuck by and capture your towns.
Re: Campaign Difficulty
So far, Academy and Necropolis have been my favorite campaigns. I enjoyed the story for Academy, which made me enjoy playing a faction I normally feel only mildly motivated to play.Alfalken wrote:Finished the Academy campaign. Overall it was a fun one
Re: Campaign Difficulty
Now don't get me wrong...this isn't me showing off. I never managed H3 on the most difficult level but here it seems necessary to give any sort of challenge. Having tried it I'd never go back.
Played first campaign on normal but moved to heroic immediately. The time limit in the academy campaign was the only 'difficulty' I met. Overall I think heroic in H7 is easily doable if you've sussed the summon elemental/blizzard strategy and if you like restarting battles to get the 'perfect' fight.
I don't think relying on Summon Elemental is cheesy although it can get boring. Some of the single player maps are constructed to use this technique (Mirym's Journey for example).
Another technique is to rely on necromancy (max your given hero then buy a necromancer and give him all the troops etc.). At the boss fights just give your 3000+ skeletons to your main hero and violà.
Prime magic is way the most important - both the spells and the skills. Too important maybe? (summon elemental, implosion, teleport / the 'echo' skills and dual casting).
Played first campaign on normal but moved to heroic immediately. The time limit in the academy campaign was the only 'difficulty' I met. Overall I think heroic in H7 is easily doable if you've sussed the summon elemental/blizzard strategy and if you like restarting battles to get the 'perfect' fight.
I don't think relying on Summon Elemental is cheesy although it can get boring. Some of the single player maps are constructed to use this technique (Mirym's Journey for example).
Another technique is to rely on necromancy (max your given hero then buy a necromancer and give him all the troops etc.). At the boss fights just give your 3000+ skeletons to your main hero and violà.
Prime magic is way the most important - both the spells and the skills. Too important maybe? (summon elemental, implosion, teleport / the 'echo' skills and dual casting).
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