How did my campaign hero get warpath?

The game Might & Magic: Heroes VII, developed by Limbic Entertainment.
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How did my campaign hero get warpath?

Unread postby Wlf2kme » 12 Oct 2015, 09:17

I recently bought HOMM VII and I started with the Academy campaign.
Currently I'm in the first map of that campaign where you've got a town in which you can build and recruit (can't remember town, map or hero name... I'm at work :p ).

Now after a while on that map I notice that my main hero has the 'warpath' (as in HOMM V) skill. Which is rather strange as I can't seem to find that skill anywhere on that hero. There's no skill that explains this, no artifact, ... Or at least, that I know of. I did place extra skills on Explorer though.

This makes the map a lot easier, probably too easy. I'm pretty much able to traverse the whole map by going from one fight to the other.

Any ideas? :)

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Re: How did my campaign hero get warpath?

Unread postby Wlf2kme » 13 Oct 2015, 12:51

No one seems to know :-) I'm guessing this is a bug then? 8|

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Re: How did my campaign hero get warpath?

Unread postby gomaki » 13 Oct 2015, 13:20

I have literally never heard of this before. You got a heroes 5 move in heroes 7??? Please send me your save file and game logs because you have created some serious wizardary with this one.

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Re: How did my campaign hero get warpath?

Unread postby briancodom » 15 Oct 2015, 16:31

Same thing happened to me in a hotseat skirmish. My hero is a barbarian with grandmaster-level exploration, with snatch and pathfinding chosen along the way. He also got a stables and a few flags. He now seems to have warpath.

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Re: How did my campaign hero get warpath?

Unread postby gourley4p » 15 Oct 2015, 18:40

@briancodom, please be sure to send your save file to gomaki. He actively watches these forums and investigates bugs for people.

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Re: How did my campaign hero get warpath?

Unread postby gomaki » 16 Oct 2015, 13:47

We are investigating this hero right now actually. More logs and save files is always good though!

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BB Shockwave
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Re: How did my campaign hero get warpath?

Unread postby BB Shockwave » 18 Oct 2015, 22:40

Yes, I found this too in the Haven campaign. I did not know this was a HeroesV skill, only noticed that my hero could move further after defeating an enemy army (or even if they ran away) - frankly this must be a bug, as there is no such skill.

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