Hack Your Beta

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Hack Your Beta

Unread postby {CH}ArticleBot » 01 Feb 2006, 10:20

ImageA lot of Heroes players are very skilled with computers, so it didn't take them long to change the way the game is played. At least two hacks have interesting results. Before you try them, you should know that they can potentially cause problems with the game, and that it's safer to play with the standard settings, especially if your goal is to report problems to Ubisoft. But if you want to try something different and fun, head to the Round Table:
  • Enabling Hot Seat. These guidelines have been available for a couple of days already, and it's safe to say that they are quite popular. They allow you to try the hidden hot seat mode, without any impact on the save game feature. Note that it requires the use of a 'rar' extractor.
  • Creature Size Mod. Thanks to Bad Wolf, only the 7th level units take four squares on the battlefield, while all other creatures take only one square.
I should mention that Celestial Heavens cannot provide support for these hacks. But you can ask for advices or post comments in the threads listed above.

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