Redemption of Haven Fantasy RPG

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Redemption of Haven Fantasy RPG

Unread postby themasterthiever » 01 May 2006, 20:47

I have not posted in a while on here, but a few months ago, I announced a new fantasy RPG coming from Silven Publishing within the next few months called "Redemption of Haven." Well, I am the creator of it :D , and I thought I would introduce a small portion of here and list address to a new forum thread with a vote on it about which mastery is most appealing to you. So without further ado, here is a brief summary of the RoH mastery system:
Within Redemption of Haven, after a player selects his adventurer´s race and realm, he has 4 ways in which to further customize his adventurer: masteries, facets, talents, and trades. It is the purpose of this thread to introduce the masteries, which will each be a brief introduction, along with a poll on which mastery you find most appealing.

Masteries Defined A mastery is a set of abilities adventurer´s purchase access to, which shapes them indelibly. They are by far the most significant way to define an adventurer, and though RoH has no classes, masteries are the closest equivalent.

The Five Masteries:

-The Champion Mastery
empowers an adventurer with mystical and protective graces, such as the masterful talent Cure and the masterful abilities Splendor of Wrath Pillar of Ire.

-The Elemental Mastery
imbues an adventurer with the ability to transpose metaphysical beauty into elemental effects. It is grouped into three spheres, one that deals with frost and lightning, one that works with earth and water, and another that produces light and force effects. Flying, setting foes aflame at a distance, and ripping doors off their hinges with tremendous force are examples of elemental effects.

-The Enthrallment Mastery
grants an adventurer the ability to use his musical abilities to magical effect that effect primarily the mind and will- charming creatures, inspiring great feats of talent and combat, and even blasting foes with a lyric of elements.

-The Warrior Mastery
give an adventurer incomparable skill in martial pursuits, specified to the particular adventurer. It can grant perfect and deadly aim with bows, great triumphs of axework, faster attacks, or improved defensive abilities.

-The Wilderness Mastery
provides for an adventurer a wealth of talents in the wilderness, allowing him to use to masterful ability Wonder to vanish in an instant, take on animals and beasts as companions, or call lightning down from the heavens, all the while allowing him to be a master tracker, wilderland guide, and survivalist.

Let me know what you think of this little glimpse into RoH, and feel free to come over to the official forums to vote :-) at ... adid=18010
Pax tecum

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