Abduction Review

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Abduction Review

Unread postby {CH}ArticleBot » 29 Mar 2005, 21:12

It has been a very quiet week so far, perhaps because of the warm weather or because fans are finally confident that a new Heroes game will see the light of day... someday.

Abduction by Gregor Minchev now has an online review thanks to the Qurqirish Dragon. You might be familiar with this Wake of Gods map that has received great user ratings since its release. Qurqirish Dragon had mixed feelings, giving it an 8 for both graphics and design, but a 3 for the story (or the lack of story actually).

The second map of the Resolution campaign has been updated because of a few balance flaws and access errors. If you would like to help with the tests, the map can be downloaded from the Testing section above.

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