One Last Hope for the January Rumor

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One Last Hope for the January Rumor

Unread postby Angelspit » 27 Jan 2005, 09:34

Only five days left in January, and no announcement has been made.
Will Heroes V be announced this month?Yes

80.86%Unique Votes: 115You may remember that Heroic Corner started a rumor last month about Nival and Ubisoft officializing their partnership in January. The Celestial Heavens readers remained skeptical: the Yes option on the poll never had more than 30% of votes all month long. Meanwhile, all inquiries in the Nival forums remain unanswered.Since the announcement isn't likely to happen on Friday, or during the week-end for that matter, there is only a little hope left for today and Monday. My team will be monitoring the news sites closely. Keep your fingers crossed.

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