H7: Guardian Angel: Murazel

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H7: Guardian Angel: Murazel

Unread postby Angelspit » 29 Oct 2014, 04:20

Heroes can discover new details about Murazel, the new Ivan's advisor. She's an archangel, close to Sandalphon and Michael, but she has got a different behaviour. She blames her people for the diparition of The Shantiris, and she's known for her friendliness for humans and other Ashan's races.
Because of past choices, she was unwelcome in both Empire and Angels places. Some mysteries appears after Sandalphon disappear and she will try to order the new Holy Empire.

Discover more information about Murazel, on Heroes VII Devblog.

Welcome, my friends.

Today I will tell you more about one of Ivan's advisors. While for reasons of my own I chose not to immediately disclose her identity during the first sessions of this Shadow Council, many among you have correctly guessed the name of the Angel sitting at Ivan's table. She is indeed Murazel, the Guardian Angel of Hammer Fall.

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