H7: Wizards' Armies, Elite and Champions Units

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H7: Wizards' Armies, Elite and Champions Units

Unread postby Angelspit » 26 Nov 2014, 16:56

Dear Heroes,

New artworks were published on the Heroes VII Dev Blog to present the entire Wizard's Army. Those information concern Elite Units and Champion Units. Players are glad to see again some famous units that describe perfectly Wizard faction.

1. Djinn
2. Djin Channeler
4.Rakshasa Raja
5. Apprentice
6. Disciple

Concerning Champion units, the most popular are certainly Titan, and will be quite hard to defeat on battle.
1. Arcane Eagle
2. Simurgh
3. Colossus
4. Titan

Find more about this army on Heroes VII Devblog.

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