Map Editor

The game Might & Magic: Heroes VII, developed by Limbic Entertainment.
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Map Editor

Unread postby Panda Tar » 24 Jul 2015, 14:47

A First Look on the map editor has been published. For map makers, does this look nice?

Oh, but just to list the more urgent information on that subject:
First, let me answer your most recurring questions;
  • Yes, you will be able to mod a lot of things. Modding is a topic we’ll talk about in more detail in future Shadow Council articles.
  • Yes, a Campaign Editor is included.
  • Yes, there will be a Random Map Generator.
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Re: Map Editor

Unread postby jeff » 26 Jul 2015, 15:32

I had a first look back in October, but was not able to reveal any details. It is a big improvement over the last 2 editors and has many similarities to the H-IV editor, but it still has work. I won't say anything else about it for now until I am sure what can and can't be released
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Re: Map Editor

Unread postby Panda Tar » 26 Jul 2015, 21:24

Ok, people, hold down jeff and lets make him spill the beans! CHAAAARGE! :D
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Re: Map Editor

Unread postby Pitsu » 27 Jul 2015, 11:21

Looks promising. Seems that they allow quite a lot of freedom for user, while providing simple user interface for most common and certain complex operations. Of course one cannot judge editor by several screenshots and has to try it by himself. Nevertheless this article is one of the MMHVII news that generated a little interest in me.
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Re: Map Editor

Unread postby Kalah » 27 Jul 2015, 13:11

@jeff: anything discovered by playing the beta version can be released.
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Re: Map Editor

Unread postby Pitsu » 27 Jul 2015, 14:46

@Kalah. Does the beta have a map editor? I guess whichever editor Jeff studied back in October, all info that is not awailable via official channels is classified.
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Re: Map Editor

Unread postby Panda Tar » 27 Jul 2015, 15:56

Probably not, or people would have commented about it hither and thither, no? Specially because this is a really anticipated feature. What was expected to be confirmed was the Campaign Editor, and that has been done in the article.

The modding capabilities are the main incognito to check how powerful this Editor is now.
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Re: Map Editor

Unread postby jeff » 27 Jul 2015, 16:12

Yes it does have a campaign editor function, I have not tried; it also has an artifact and hero modding ability. Unfortunately the artifact tool was not functional in my download; so I am hoping it will be part of the final release. Much of the interface brings back memories of the H-IV editor; dropdown menus, terrain brushes and a script editor that promises to be very similar to creating quests as done in H-IV. Unfortunately I was one of the few who could never get the reward menus to populate with choices, but when it is working you can give rewards of creatures, attributes, artifacts and/or resources. The biggest problem I have is getting use to the visual differences; it does have a 2D mode but I did not try it much. I think people who have the time to invest learning the editor (I don't think it will take much time); they will be able to create awesome H-7 maps. The hero creation ability with custom portraits, abilities, and so on would have been great if H-IV had had it. The biggest downside is it is going to take a lot of resources. The editor can test maps; so in addition to the editor's system requirements; you have to add the game system requirements on top of them. I am hoping the next update will correct the problem with the menus I had (others did not) and I can give it a good look.
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Re: Map Editor

Unread postby Panda Tar » 27 Jul 2015, 19:29

Sounds interesting. :)
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Re: Map Editor

Unread postby Rife » 28 Jul 2015, 15:53

I too surmised it shared similarites with the H4 editor, to my delight. That was bar none my favorite editor of the series.

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Re: Map Editor

Unread postby Kalah » 28 Jul 2015, 17:57

Yeah the devs were indeed convinced to base the editor on the ones from H4 and H3.
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Re: Map Editor

Unread postby jeff » 28 Jul 2015, 20:20

The first time I glanced at the editor it had a look and feel very similar to the H-IV editor. Make no mistake there are differences, but I think the dedicated mapmaker will be able to adjust to those differences.
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Re: Map Editor

Unread postby Panda Tar » 31 Jul 2015, 13:26


Today's article is regarding an Introduction to modding in Heroes 7.
If you are really invested (including 3D artists such as some of you at Heroes Community:)), you will also be able to duplicate creatures and create new neutrals, replace creatures or even create your own faction…. Everything is here.
Well, that might make some people hyped.
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Re: Map Editor

Unread postby Pitsu » 31 Jul 2015, 14:11

picture of the day.

Indeed the news from editor and modding are once again encouraging. I did not get whether the modifications are only map based or can also be global or at least easily transferred between maps. Most likely even if not intended, someone will find a way to make also global changes. Now if only the game itself would not ruin the efforts put into editor by its playability.
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Re: Map Editor

Unread postby markkur » 31 Jul 2015, 15:52

A quick look and it looks good. I see some of the previous editors, making the new editor appear a fine merge. Use will tell.
Now if only the game itself would not ruin the efforts put into editor by its playability.
Second that.

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Re: Map Editor

Unread postby Kalah » 31 Jul 2015, 17:02

I'm hoping it's like H4 - that shortcomings in the game can be countered by skilled mapmakers. :)
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Re: Map Editor

Unread postby Pitsu » 31 Jul 2015, 18:09

Kalah wrote:I'm hoping it's like H4 - that shortcomings in the game can be countered by skilled mapmakers. :)
There are people who consider H4 the most unique and refreshing among homms and these people make effort to soothe the game shortcomings by skilled mapmaking. I doubt that H7 has half the revolutionarity that H4 had, and it has to compete with H5 and H3. Another thing is AI. Mapmaker can regulate balances and guide/restrict those who get lost on adventure map but can hardly change AI behavior principles. If it is too erratic the mapmaker has problems, if it is too predictible, the game is boring. In battles the mapmaker is even more limited than on adventure map. H4 had IMO actually very good battle AI. So, H4 was not a "total failure" because of originality and because many of its weaknesses were such that could be countered by skilled mapmaking. Give us a H5 remake with even worse AI and a good editor is not gonna raise it up.
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Re: Map Editor

Unread postby jeff » 01 Aug 2015, 21:10

IMO it is not hard to achieve a walk over victory of H-5; for me it the had tired game play style of H-III. However replacing H-III in the eyes of the devoted is probably not possible and nothing ever will. H-IV was a new approach that has made it almost impossible for any UBI effort attempting to appeal to the H-III only crowd to appeal to me. The editor for H-7 looks very good and inviting; I am just not convinced (because of the game itself) enough to know if I will accept the invitation past the testing phase.
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Re: Map Editor

Unread postby Galaad » 02 Aug 2015, 11:18

jeff wrote:However replacing H-III in the eyes of the devoted is probably not possible and nothing ever will.
I honestly don't understand what is so hard about. IMO H5 improved mechanics from H3, but failed miserably in terms of immersion and concept (WoW/WH visuals, Ashan). Seriously, it would just need to take that basis, fix a few things such as the ultimates which were broken, add this and that there and there, get back to visuals which would be more in line with the original games (only a matter of art direction, skilled artists are many), and only legacy (lore) issues would remain. From there create a new setting which isn't total crap (sorry) and you have the best Heroes game ever made.

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Re: Map Editor

Unread postby TomVenom » 28 Aug 2015, 09:47

Hi all,

any chance to be able to import maps from previous Heroes Editions ?
I know of course the complexity of doing that kind of feature, regarding specificities of each Heroes Edition... But if we could import at least Map Topologies, it would be a great time saving in producing huge amount of wonderful maps...



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