hellegennes wrote:The cost of writing these tales is ridiculously small, even compared to the budget of animating a single creature. Hence the remark is irrelevant, anyway.
Also, if fans really viewed the story aspect as secondary, they wouldn't whine on a daily basis about Ubisoft abandoning the old universe.
if you can cite a source for the salary Ubisoft are paying their Heroes writers I'd love to see it, not to mention that the writer of these blogs is on double duty as a level designer last I heard, maybe spend that spare time building us another multiplayer map instead to add to the nine or ten we'll probably get lol
I think any whining about the old universe actually is considered a secondary problem, Heroes 5 was pretty well received and enjoyed by all, despite its repulsive storyline and flawed atmosphere, because it was very playable lol
Kalah wrote:A good point by Hellegennes. Yet Erwinner's attitude is of the kind that annoys me. He can't use proper grammar himself yet he criticizes the writers as if he could do better. I am also increasingly annoyed with the so-called "fans" who seem to have nothing better to do than whine and find faults with every move new developers make. Nothing seems to please them so why don't they just move on?
even though I do use proper grammar when I am inclined to, and probably could write a better story for your dollar, I don't need to be a 5 Michelin Star winning chef to comment that a meal tastes horrible lol
I preordered Heroes 6 at full price, it sucked, now I express my unhappiness on the forums in hopes that they'll make an improved or at least playable product this time around instead of spending all their time focusing on garbage story fluff and bankrupting another developer,
they really reap what they sow in my opinion, I don't know why you characterise it as "nothing better to do than whine and find faults with every move new developers make. Nothing seems to please them"
you would see me pleased by a good product such as Heroes 3 or Heroes 5, maybe the complaining indicates less so that I am unpleasable and more that something's rotten in the state of Denmark lol
if you don't like what I have to say and want me to go away, you are empowered to ban me, but personally I do not think my opinions are breaking any forum rules, and a lot of the active community I've seen seems to be of a fairly like mind to mine so good luck there lol