Need help with CHaM2 on hard (map 2)

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Posts: 39
Joined: 24 Jan 2009

Need help with CHaM2 on hard (map 2)

Unread postby ReinierK » 19 Oct 2014, 16:18

Hey guys,

I'm replaying the game on hard with help from the tutorials on this site and so far it's going great!

Now I've reached Haven campaign map 2 and I'm completely at a loss: the hero at town A has a humongeous army in week one (18 liches for example) and my army is a fraction of that. There's no way I can win this fight...

Maybe my build is wrong? I don't have any heal/regen spells (no real use, as I only have enough mana for one spell) and my reinforcements spell only give me about 2-5 creatures per stack (which is not even enough to take one hit from that hero).

Any suggestions?

Do I need to give you guys more info?


Edit: this is about Heroes 6 by the way! :-)

Posts: 39
Joined: 24 Jan 2009

Unread postby ReinierK » 19 Oct 2014, 22:44

Okay I now managed to book a win after about 20 restarts.
It seems his army size is either very large, or "doable" at random (9/10 I get the large army). This time around he had 5 liches, much more managable.

Must be a bug/feature, as they were all week 1 armies, so they should be similar in my opinion.

So for anyone looking for some help on this map, just restart untill you get "lucky".

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