"Choices" Built shipyard can't find - how go to nx

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"Choices" Built shipyard can't find - how go to nx

Unread postby Alexyn » 10 Oct 2014, 17:48


I realize I'm coming late to this, but there seems to be a glitch in my PC download version of Hammers of Fate; I'm now playing Mission 5 - The Choice ; I've conquered the port city, and built the shipyard - but the shipyard is nowhere to be found.

Is there a way to finish this mission, so I'm graduated to the next mission in the series? My Hammers of Fate is a PC download from Amazon, I'm not sure there is a "fix" for it. In any case, I'm just wondering if there's a way to queue the game to go to the next mission? Thank you so much.

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Unread postby Pitsu » 10 Oct 2014, 19:31

Are you sure that you haven't missed the "buy ship" icon in town screen? Once you have built the shipyard in town, you have to buy a ship while in town. The ship (but not shipyard) will appear on adventure map. Board and see if the map ends... (edit: make sure you have a save game before boarding)

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Unread postby Alexyn » 10 Oct 2014, 19:37

I'm so grateful for a reply..however, yes, i did buy the shipyard- however when going out of the castle - the boat, nor shipyard are there. Just nothing there. I've restarted the game twice (and it's an aggravating game) only to conquer the port town and have the same "glitch" repeat itself; I can build the shipyard, but there's nothing there to access the ship - just missing/invisible. Thank you for any further help you might be able to provide.

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Unread postby Pitsu » 10 Oct 2014, 19:48

sent a PM

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Unread postby Pitsu » 11 Oct 2014, 05:25

Strangely could not load the savegame in my computer. If anyone know what the problem might be, please advise.

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