Linux guides

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Linux guides

Unread postby Daerandin » 11 Jan 2014, 10:43

I figured I would post this here, in case it would interest anyone using Linux or considering it.

I contribute to a website called Gamers on Linux and currently we have guides for installing Heroes 1-4, including Chronicles, and Might and Magic 1-6. I will be posting a Might and Magic 7 guide as well during this weekend.

These guides are written to use PlayOnLinux, which is an easy to use graphical front-end to wine. Except for some of the older games, which is set up using DosBox.I have used the digital editions from GOG in these guides, but it should still work well with retail releases too.

Currently I only plan to do guides for the NWC made games as I didn't tag along for Ubisoft's games.

The website is found at:

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Joined: 29 Jan 2014

Unread postby katelara » 29 Jan 2014, 05:34

Hello. Although I am new to these forums as a member, I have been followed these forums for about 2-3 years as a source of entertainment while I work on college. I was curious if there were any MM6-8 mods that are finished and ready to be downloaded. I have tried to download a few mods in the past, but the links were either broken, or I could not get them to work. Any suggestions would be helpful, Thanks!

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