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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 19 Apr 2006, 18:10

Now heres a game that received too little credit.Each part of the game is a pure gem!I guess I was wrong when I said that civ is the only game that had no lousy sequels.Myth is such a game as well.

Now heres a game where pure strategy is being tested.No buildings to errect,no mass training,and no winning by sheer brute force.

It is nice that your units gain expirience by killing and by making it until the end of scenario.I remember I managed to get a dwarf through the whole second part of the game.He was the one that tossed Balors head in the pit at the end.

Also,there was a nice secret about "healing" your enemy.Instead of healing,your journeymen and herron guards could wound your enemy,decreasing his energy to red.This is how you can kill soulblighter in Myth II.

Share your thought and wisdom about this excelent game here.

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Unread postby innokenti » 19 Apr 2006, 22:25

Ah! You are so right. Every so often I get very nostalgic and play through Myth II. I think that was certainly the most successful of the trilogy, Myth was only just finding its ground and identity and Myth III was marred a little by not enough innovation getting the game to the next level (but certainly was on par with the other two).

It really is an excellent game, all about strategy and tactics and doing things with limited troops. There are too few games that really let you think it all through like Myth does. The story was also particularly good (and I think it really was very good in III) and was well-told, there is something about the buildup throughout Myth II in particular that really had you hooked.

Also! 3D, without problems! They had it first.

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Unread postby AngelEyes » 30 Nov 2006, 15:07

This really was a gem. One of the best physics engines I've ever seen. Anyone remember the secret deer hunting level? lol, I can still remember hooves and limbs flying across the screen way after they exploded.

Multiplayer was terrific too (even if it was a bit buggy). Do I take gnols, or bezerks? Souless or dwarves? Such great tactics in a game are hard to find anymore. Really is a shame MS bought Bungie.

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Unread postby The Mad Dragon » 30 Nov 2006, 15:10

I don't know if I've heard of this game, though the name DOES sound familiar.

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Unread postby winterfate » 11 Dec 2006, 06:28

I played only the first one. Managed to get to the final level, then a few days later the computer's hard drive went bye-bye :( (thus I never finished it). It was however a great, frustrating, satisfying, insane, irritating, complete game. (yeah, I know...many contradictory adjectives :-D ).
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