Patch 2.1 discussion

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
Blood Fury
Blood Fury
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Patch 2.1 discussion

Unread postby Naki » 03 May 2013, 16:20

Discussion of anything non-bug related regarding the new 2.1 patch will be here.

You can download the EFIGS patches via torrent here:
(much faster than direct web download, hopefully! :))

BUGS thread is here:
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Blood Fury
Blood Fury
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Unread postby Naki » 03 May 2013, 21:13

1) The game desktop icon has changed! :)
I don't think it ever did with any old patches.

2) BlackHole logo animation after the movie intro has been replaced with Virtous!
In the screen with the company names after the initial loading screen, BlackHole logo is also gone and replaced with Virtous.
It seems it was Virtous who are responsible for the update screw-up.
For the Russian version, it says "Virtous China" in the patch installer screen, not sure if all patch versions (English/French/etc) are made by the China studio, but the word "China" makes me shudder after I saw my game becoming unplayable.

EDIT: Any idea who Virtous are and what they worked on for Heroes VI?
I never played the two smaller DLCs or SoD, so maybe they worked on that.
Last edited by Naki on 04 May 2013, 17:23, edited 6 times in total.
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Unread postby hellegennes » 04 May 2013, 02:07

Not just the icon. When you open the game, the Shades of Darkness loading screen is seen, whether you have bought the expansion or not. Which is strange, I've never seen that in any other game.

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