Sarah Kiril and the Moon

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Sarah Kiril and the Moon

Unread postby Slayer of Cliffracers » 28 Jan 2013, 20:32

I've noticed an a contradiction within the Main Heroes VI campaign. During one of the Heroes VI Haven campaign's, I think it must have been the 3rd or the 4th one, Michael mentions about how the Blood Moon eclipse was Kiril and Sarah's doing, that it was speeded up so that it would happen before the ultra-prepared peoples of Ashan turned their armies against eachother and the demons won.

But I cannot find any mission involving the Moon nor any reference to this happening in the whole Inferno Campaign. So is Michael mistaken then?
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Unread postby Elvin » 29 Jan 2013, 13:42

That was a story badly told with half of it missing. The short version of the story is that Sarah went to heal Urgash from his agony which made him strong enough to fast-forward to eclipse(my common sense is tingling) for which he graciously impaled her with his claws. One of them stayed in her that she used to make the blade of binding. It is for this reason that the weapon is imbued with demon-controlling properties.
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Unread postby Slayer of Cliffracers » 29 Jan 2013, 15:47

Elvin wrote:That was a story badly told with half of it missing. The short version of the story is that Sarah went to heal Urgash from his agony which made him strong enough to fast-forward to eclipse(my common sense is tingling) for which he graciously impaled her with his claws. One of them stayed in her that she used to make the blade of binding. It is for this reason that the weapon is imbued with demon-controlling properties.
The whole Inferno Campaign story is basically a confusing mess. I didn't get any of that having played the whole campaign from start to finish.

The game starts with Kiril in hell with an Archdemon trapped inside him. No explanation is initially given as to why Kiril actually went to hell only that Kiril is very angry about it and sets off to hunt down Sarah and doesn't catch her.

And then I got the bit about an invisible library and the Faceless. I eventually got the idea that Kiril was deliberately possessed so that he could be used to deliver the Prince of Destruction into the Faceless Library.

I am also curious to find out where the episode with Urgash and the Moon is mentioned.
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Unread postby Avonu » 30 Jan 2013, 12:24

Slayer of Cliffracers wrote:No explanation is initially given as to why Kiril actually went to hell only that Kiril is very angry about it and sets off to hunt down Sarah and doesn't catch her.
There is - just play campaign and you see why he agreed to go with Sarah.

Moon eclipse begins: after Haven 2 mission, at the end of Stronghold 3, after Sanctuary 3, at the end of Necropolis 2 and after Inferno 1.

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Unread postby Slayer of Cliffracers » 07 Feb 2013, 18:05

Avonu wrote: There is - just play campaign and you see why he agreed to go with Sarah.

Moon eclipse begins: after Haven 2 mission, at the end of Stronghold 3, after Sanctuary 3, at the end of Necropolis 2 and after Inferno 1.
You don't get told why. Honestly.
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Unread postby Mirez » 08 Feb 2013, 11:32

The correct order of the campaigns.

Stronghold 1
Sanctuary 1, Haven 1
Inferno 1, Necropolis 1, Stronghold 2, sanctuary 2
Sanctuary 3, haven 2
Stronhold 3, Necropolis 2
Necropolis 3, Inferno 2
Inferno 3, Sanctuary 4
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 08 Feb 2013, 15:07

I do believe our friend comma is now sad because you forgot to include him in the title.
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Unread postby Slayer of Cliffracers » 10 Feb 2013, 22:19

Mirez wrote:The correct order of the campaigns.

Stronghold 1
Sanctuary 1, Haven 1
Inferno 1, Necropolis 1, Stronghold 2, sanctuary 2
Sanctuary 3, haven 2
Stronhold 3, Necropolis 2
Necropolis 3, Inferno 2
Inferno 3, Sanctuary 4
Sourced from where? And I don't see how this is relavant.
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Unread postby Avonu » 11 Feb 2013, 10:01

Slayer of Cliffracers wrote:Sourced from where?

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Unread postby Kalah » 11 Feb 2013, 19:40

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Unread postby Slayer of Cliffracers » 12 Feb 2013, 13:40

But that isn't my problem, I've already drawn up by own chronology list for the whole campaign. The problem is where is the bit about where Kiril and Sarah causing the eclipse to happen referenced during the Inferno Campaign.

Sarah and Kiril are enemies throughout the campaign. But Michael says Kiril and Sarah caused the eclipse in one of the Haven missions.
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Unread postby Ell1e » 13 Feb 2013, 12:10

Well, they did. Sarah caused it when she got stabbed by Kha-Beleth between Inferno 1 and 2. Then some weird magic happened and it turned Sarah into a burning angel and fast-forwarded the eclipse, which seems to have been the angels' plan all along. Sarah needed Kiril's help to get to Sheogh for some reason and they were both meant to be sacrifices to cause a premature eclipse.

The reason this is not mentioned during the Inferno campaign is because Sarah isn't present for most of it and likely because she never told Kiril of her plans. The angels seem to be kind of dickish like that, see Uriel never mentioning the whole "So and then I'll get you killed by the inquisition so you can become my new mommy" to his girlfriend.

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Unread postby Elvin » 14 Feb 2013, 16:20

You may have also missed the description if the blade of binding.
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Unread postby Slayer of Cliffracers » 21 Feb 2013, 12:19

Ell1e wrote:Well, they did. Sarah caused it when she got stabbed by Kha-Beleth between Inferno 1 and 2. Then some weird magic happened and it turned Sarah into a burning angel and fast-forwarded the eclipse, which seems to have been the angels' plan all along. Sarah needed Kiril's help to get to Sheogh for some reason and they were both meant to be sacrifices to cause a premature eclipse.

The reason this is not mentioned during the Inferno campaign is because Sarah isn't present for most of it and likely because she never told Kiril of her plans. The angels seem to be kind of dickish like that, see Uriel never mentioning the whole "So and then I'll get you killed by the inquisition so you can become my new mommy" to his girlfriend.
But none of this is actually explained during the Inferno campaign only in the Blade of Binding description which I never read. That's the problem. Kiril isn't supposed to be used as a sacrifice to deal with Urgash though.

Kiril's purpose is to act as a human vessal for the Azazeel Prince of Destruction, the only being powerful enough to completely obliterate the Faceless Library from the face of the earth. Without the Library the Faceless will be defeated. The proper order of things would then be this.

1. Sarah wakes up Urgash, bringing forward the Eclipse (how?).
2. The Angels defeat the demons in the resulting war.
3. Kiril is sent into the Faceless Library delivering the Prince of Destruction into the Library destroying the Library.
4. The Angels launch their war against the weakened Faceless are a decisively victorious.

What actually happens is this.

1. Sarah wakes up Urgash, bringing forward the Eclipse (how?).
2. The Angels defeat the demons in the resulting war.
3. Kiril sends the Faceless Library into Sheogh protecting it against the Angels.
4. The Angels launch their war against the Faceless and are defeated, Michael is slain and the Hall of Memories obliterated.

The angels basically come across as imperialistic bastards playing with the lives of lesser mortals and generally acting as the puppetmasters behind the local puppet regimes. It seems a revolution against the angels is sorely required in Ashan. Angels cannot lie, which means they basically just control the knowledge that people have access to.

Why are the Angels such bastards towards the mortal inhabitants of Ashan? Well largely because they are only on Ashan for two reasons.

1. To serve the Ancients (Asha) who have summoned them into Ashan to help fight against the demons.
2. To extend the Plane of Light's (Elrath) influence onto Ashan at the expense of the Plane of Shadow (Malassa).

Now the Angels only have a limited window of opportunity in which to operate because the Ancients only allow them to remain in Ashan strictly to fight the demons, they are keeping the Angels on a tight leash strictly limiting the amount of time. But by bringing the eclipse forward with Urgash (Creators) help they can manage to buy themselves some additional time on Ashan.

Let's take for a moment that the Celestials that the story talks about are not the Celestial unit but something far more powerful. They are boss-level creatures. Uriel and Sarah were the only Celestials summoned into Ashan to help fight the demons. But they figure out a plan to use the souls of certain griffin nobles to ressurect dead Celestials stored within the Hall of Memories. These two dead Celestials, Michael and Aurora would be free of the Ancients control and any kind of restrictions on their conduct.

Free to break the Twilight Covenant, destroy the Faceless and overthrow the Ancients regime on Ashan altogether. That Michael is attacking not only the Faceless but also the Ancients can be seen in the fact that Kate is a Dragon Knight of Asha. The plan was to have 4 Celestials (Sarah, Michael, Aurora and Uriel) free on Ashan to prosecute the war against the Faceless and Ancients alike. However in the end they only had 1 of them Michael.
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Unread postby ywhtptgtfo » 18 Mar 2013, 03:18

Nice try speculating, but many of the assumptions are unfounded. Also, Cate is a Dragon Knight of Malassa and not Asha.

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