heroes 3 maps by Season

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heroes 3 maps by Season

Unread postby The_new_guy » 12 Jan 2013, 15:39

Hi! I'm currently playing an SoD map "Lord Rings" made by Season, AFAIK he is a famous chinese H3 player and mapmaker. i previously played his other map, called "Way home". These two are among the best H3 maps i ever played. The third and the last Season's map i have is "Xiedu"(didnt play it yet but i heard this is the craziest H3 map ever made). So my question is: does anyone has some other maps, made by this guy (i heard he made like 5 or 6 maps totally)?

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Unread postby The_new_guy » 19 Jan 2013, 19:17


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Unread postby Artas1984 » 01 Feb 2013, 18:24

Aaa yes, you are referring to the mapmaker, known here as Benbird.

His Way Home map is probably the most hart touching map i have ever seen, and one of the most decorated and beautiful ever made.

However, that does not make his maps "top". His maps are too unrealistic in some aspects and disproportional. He abuses game objects way too much and uses them as a decoration instead of real gameplay value. Beautiful picture does not mean great gameplay. Enough said... I have not played his Way Home map, but all i wanted to do is use that map as a desktop background, because it just melts my heart sweet!
Heroes franchise was not about the free actions of Heroes or monsters, it was not about 3D of shiny graphics either, it was about diversity and balance, simplicity of gameplay and realistic picture, strategy in it's purest form. That's why Heroes 3 will be the greatest game of all, because only Heroes 3 has all those qualities together, no matter which one you personally like more. This statement is unquestionable, uncriticized and undeniable .

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Unread postby Star King » 04 Feb 2013, 09:18

Artas1984 wrote:Aaa yes, you are referring to the mapmaker, known here as Benbird.

His Way Home map is probably the most hart touching map i have ever seen, and one of the most decorated and beautiful ever made.

However, that does not make his maps "top". His maps are too unrealistic in some aspects and disproportional. He abuses game objects way too much and uses them as a decoration instead of real gameplay value. Beautiful picture does not mean great gameplay. Enough said... I have not played his Way Home map, but all i wanted to do is use that map as a desktop background, because it just melts my heart sweet!
Benbird is not Season... just a Chinese guy who did a walkthrough of Way Home.

Indeed, Xiedu is said to be require the highest level of skill of any map ever made, and it is every Chinese H3 player's dream to complete it.

Season did a speedrun of the famous map Unleashing the Bloodthirsty lasting 84 days, when many take 12 months+ to complete it! No denying he is a master of this game.

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Unread postby Salamandre » 04 Feb 2013, 10:39

Chinese map as Xiedu or Way home are more like a homework/job to do rather than fluid gameplay. First you have to open the map in editor and study it careful. Then you eventually start playing, but save every day, you will need to reload old saves very often. Events are in chinese so you are like wtf at every corner you get around, then prepare to be hardly spanked, as all AI have immunity blind, you could get rich by selling all those pendants and badges :D

Maybe its just me, but I enjoy thousand times more Unleashing than Xiedu. But I also got lazy over years.

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Unread postby The_new_guy » 17 Feb 2013, 08:42

Well, consider me a tryhard with no social life if you wish ( :) ), but i really liked Way Home and Lord Rings, they are indeed very hard and every fight consumes a lot of time to solve it, but i find it much more interesting than playing maps like Empire of the world or To kill for power, where every fight can be done easily and with the same tactics (slow-blind-ressurect-repeat).

btw Salamandre, do you know any other Season's maps, besides these 2 and Xiedu?

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Unread postby Biobob » 17 Mar 2013, 00:07

Ying Yong, look up on Chinese forums

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Unread postby benbird » 19 Mar 2013, 14:20

The_new_guy wrote:Well, consider me a tryhard with no social life if you wish ( :) ), but i really liked Way Home and Lord Rings, they are indeed very hard and every fight consumes a lot of time to solve it, but i find it much more interesting than playing maps like Empire of the world or To kill for power, where every fight can be done easily and with the same tactics (slow-blind-ressurect-repeat).

btw Salamandre, do you know any other Season's maps, besides these 2 and Xiedu?
Yes,you can download another Season's map of "jinyong" at http://www.gamerhome.net/bbs/forum.php? ... tid=169890 if you understand Chinese :D ,and I think it is the last map made by Season you haven't known. ;) [/url]

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Unread postby The_new_guy » 22 Mar 2013, 16:00

Thanks a lot man, but i must be logged on to download it and theres no way i can do so cause i dont know chinese :( . can you please upload it somewhere and give me a link?

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Unread postby Salamandre » 22 Mar 2013, 19:25

Log in chinese forum:

username: heroes3player
password: gamerhome

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Unread postby benbird » 15 Apr 2013, 13:11

Salamandre wrote:Log in chinese forum:

username: heroes3player
password: gamerhome
Tks,dude :D

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