Current steam hommv sell: some questions

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Current steam hommv sell: some questions

Unread postby HOMMV_N00B » 03 Jan 2013, 12:18

Hello everyone

I've used to play the standalone version of tote but I have since lost my cd (think I lend it to someone but I don't rmbr who ):. There is currently a sale on steam so I'm thinking of buying it again as I had a lot of fun with it. However I have a few questions

1) Can I play online with all the factions when I only buy the standalone tote version? My internet connection was very bad so I nvr even tried it (I had lagg playing WC3 at the time...)

2) I currently run a win 7 home 64 bit on my new computer. I've read it works on professional, so does that mean it will also run on win7 home?

Thx in advance

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