Patch 1.8 bugs - REPORT bugs here

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Patch 1.8 bugs - REPORT bugs here

Unread postby Naki » 15 Oct 2012, 14:26

October 15th 2012 --->
Patch 1.8 is out! Please report any old un-fixed bugs, or any NEW bugs here...
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Unread postby evergladelord » 15 Oct 2012, 21:27

Tiering up to Blood 1 as a Necromancer Might hero causes game to crash. Not tested for other Tears/Tier 2/Other classes.

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Unread postby parcaleste » 16 Oct 2012, 04:52

Necromancers don't cry... sorry dude. :proud:

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Unread postby danhvo » 17 Oct 2012, 18:09

Coral and Pearl Priestesses now shoot lightning bolts and do air damage. Didn't they do water damage before?

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Unread postby Ell1e » 18 Oct 2012, 07:16

No, they've always done air damage and lightning bolts, which makes them great when fighting other Sanctuary troops.

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Unread postby danhvo » 18 Oct 2012, 21:44

You're right. It doesn't make sense though, because they are still "vulnerable to air". Creatures shouldn't be vulnerable to the element that they wield.

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Unread postby danhvo » 18 Oct 2012, 22:46

I can consistently repro this. I tried to fight a hit-n-run battle between my harpies and some slow melee creatures (like maulers), so in Tactic mode, I removed all troops except the harpies stack. The game would hang when the harpies "wait" on the first turn, every time.

If I add more troops to the battle field, it would run just fine.

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Unread postby Naki » 29 Dec 2012, 16:12

A few Abysmal Worm bugs:
1) You can use your Lilims' Special to block YOUR OWN Worms. Since the tooltip description says "enemy unit", you are not supposed to be able to cast it on your own (or friendly) unit.

2) If you cast Petrify on an enemy stack (via an Earth Elemental, or maybe directly too), then that enemy stack gets swallowed by the Worm, in a few turns the game freezes totally - no sound, no music - hard lock (with a hourglass mouse cursor). Then if you try to Alt+Tab out of the game, you can't. Then if you press Ctrl+Alt+Del, you see the game has crashed.
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Unread postby Naki » 06 Jan 2013, 20:57

Bug with SUMMONED units:
3) Decreased Initiative of summoned units

Summoned units are supposed to have decreased Initiative (-15, for the first turn only). They act right after the friendly creature that was active on summoning them, so I fail to see the point. Thanks!
A) Act accordingly to the decreased initiative.
B) For the tooltip/special effect right-click info box to be corrected, so that the Reduced Initiative special effect not be mentioned/etc.
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Unread postby wimfrits » 07 Jan 2013, 07:35

danhvo wrote:I removed all troops except the harpies stack. The game would hang when the harpies "wait" on the first turn, every time.

If I add more troops to the battle field, it would run just fine.
I've had similar bugs, but only in some siege combats against enemy heroes. When removing any of my stacks during tactics, the game will crash right after the first action of the enemy hero. Reading your post, I think it is related to a "wait" action of an enemy stack.
Occurences can be 100% reproduced.

Along the same line, in siege combat, sometimes stacks in tactics phase can be removed but not placed again after that.

Also: sometimes when a town is defended by 2 heroes, stacks that are removed during tactics phase against hero 1, cannot be placed during tactics phase against hero 2. Even when pausing in between combats (by choosing 'retreat' instead of 'attack')
Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

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Unread postby Avonu » 27 Jan 2013, 17:18

Can someone check Stronghold Magic Female heroes classes?
It seems she always looks like Earth Shapper, no matter if she is Shaman, Storm Caller or Earth Shaper.

And BTW:

- All unique heroes models (Xana, Sarah, Hiroshi, etc. - used models of units, not only head swap over standard hero bodies) don't have animations during changing class cut-scenes.

- Lightning Bolt still doesn't have animation when casts.

- Skills shortcuts are not remember on combat UI if combat last 1 turn. If it last longer, there is no problem with this.

- Death Knight ultimate skill (Doom or something with bell) is worthless in-game. It works only after 9 turns of combat and you really, really try hard, to have so long battle.

- Impressive/Unstoppable General achievements (win 5/25/100 combats) still resers all the time.

- Radiant/Blazing Glory has no attack value in their bio/bestairy.

- Some unique building are not working (and thus are not worth to build) if area of control is disabled on map.
They need to be added discriptions, so player won't waste resources building them.


Please remind me, why I should buy expansion pack? :P

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Unread postby Ribannah » 18 Apr 2013, 10:25

Anastasya (necro campaign) can learn Heroism, but none of the creatures allows it to be cast on them.

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Unread postby Naki » 18 Apr 2013, 18:55

Ribannah wrote:Anastasya (necro campaign) can learn Heroism, but none of the creatures allows it to be cast on them.
Not a bug, as designed. Go back to a previous save game, and never pick Heroism.
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Unread postby Ribannah » 20 Apr 2013, 13:53

The bug is that she can still learn the ability.

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Unread postby Naki » 20 Apr 2013, 18:45

Ribannah wrote:The bug is that she can still learn the ability.
You can still use the ability with Summoned units for example (Phoenix/Elementals). :) Or non-Necro units you acquire from captured non-Necro towns or buildings on the Adventure map. So not a bug. :D
It is annoying, I admit.
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Unread postby Ribannah » 27 Apr 2013, 01:49

In Tutorial II, the distance Slava can go on turn 1 can vary by as much as 4 dots.

Similar deviations, but usually smaller, can happen on other turns.

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Unread postby Naki » 27 Apr 2013, 08:22

Ribannah wrote:In Tutorial II, the distance Slava can go on turn 1 can vary by as much as 4 dots.

Similar deviations, but usually smaller, can happen on other turns.
Is the Movement points number the same? If the number is the same, no bug.
Note you have different movement costs for different terrain.
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Unread postby Ribannah » 27 Apr 2013, 11:22

It's the same terrain.

Very easy to reproduce.

Just restart the map or reload a save of the initial position, and sometimes Slava can easily reach the Sentinels to the south, while on other tries he falls well short.

If you create a save with the green dots on, then reload and click the automove arrow, you can even get the message "not enough movement points" while a number of green dots are still showing.

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Unread postby Naki » 27 Apr 2013, 11:40

Hmm, do you fight any other neutral creatures before those Sentinels you mention?
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Unread postby Ribannah » 27 Apr 2013, 14:02

I checked many things.

The quickest way to see this bug is not to move at all but merely set a path.

Picking a fight, visiting the rally flag or whatever does not change the observed variation. Of course you need to make sure that you repeat exactly what you did the other time.

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