Pirates of the Sea

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Pirates of the Sea

Unread postby saugeen123 » 18 Jul 2012, 13:55

I am stuck! I am on the second mission. and I want to capture the 3rd conflux but I don't know to get into the place where the Al is. I don't know if I have made myself understood. I hope someone can shed some light on the subject.

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Unread postby Ell1e » 19 Jul 2012, 19:38

There's a road after the second conflux that leads to the third one, the one you're seeing is most likely the final boss (snake lady from the cutscenes, right?). You unlock her after you capture all confluxes.

For additional fun, try recruiting as many elementals as you can and beat her with those.

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Joined: 22 Jul 2011
Location: saugeen123

Unread postby saugeen123 » 19 Jul 2012, 22:19

a few hours of contemplation I realized what I had to do.

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