The Price of Peace > The Price of Peace

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The Price of Peace → The Price of Peace

Unread postby protecyon » 12 Aug 2005, 15:32

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:

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Unread postby Balance » 12 Aug 2005, 15:32

"The path should be open now"

unfortunately it isn't:( I played twice, second time in "blitzkrieg way" and managed to beat 156 titans @ week 3 (mainly with paralyze spell), gained the the Mind shield, but the bushes were still there... Any ideas?

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Unread postby Balance » 12 Aug 2005, 15:49

"The path should be open now"

unfortunately it isn't:( I played twice, second time in "blitzkrieg way" and managed to beat 156 titans @ week 3 (mainly with paralyze spell), gained the the Mind shield, but the bushes were still there... Any ideas?

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Grail Quest
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The Price of Peace > The Price of Peace

Unread postby Grail Quest » 17 Jul 2007, 15:38

Straightforward and rather boring scenario as the heroes, none of whom hit the level cap previously, are very powerful. Even Kodge, with Basic Life Magic and Bind Wounds, could clear almost every neutral stack encountered. Others required either the extra magic of Solmyr or Emilia. Life Magic absolutely rocks. Didn't bother hiring any creatures, and Solmyr's necromancy generated enough gofers to pick up unguarded treasure. Emilia took on the 60 titans without help, so Magnus's expeditionary force, accidentally encountered while in the Blue area, was a considerable letdown. After 2 Ice Bolts, Magnus was dead and the rest of his army was easy (only 7 Dragon Golems plus assorted forces).

HOMM4 seems to have an issue with heroes after around level 15, where they can solo the maps if they have a decent Regeneration spell.

Didn't encounter the bushes not clearing with acquiring the Mind Shield. Maybe Emilia needs to have it and wear it?

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The Price of Peace > The Price of Peace

Unread postby Cleanpea » 17 Jul 2007, 18:15

I killed magnus, but the scenario went on.... Or I found an empty pandoras box.....

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The Price of Peace > The Price of Peace

Unread postby Wheeler Dealer » 06 Dec 2009, 19:36

I didn't think Kodge would be strong enough on his own so I put him with Emilia and sent Solymr off on his own, thinking to give him the easier battles. I gave both armies some genies to cast slow and song of peace. Turned out either army could handle any battle. Solymr and his genies took down the 83 titans.

I got into the west side before I had the mind shield when I had Emilia cast town gate after going through the purple portal. She ended up in the teal town!

I put all my heroes and genies back together for the final battle but it was anti-climatic. Magnus army was pitiful and he was less powerful than Emilia or Solymr. I think he was level 24 and my heroes were level 34, 30 and 27.

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The Price of Peace > The Price of Peace

Unread postby Namerutan » 10 Feb 2015, 09:23

"Note also that you shouldn’t capture Blue’s southern town. For some reason if you capture it and Blue captures it back, you’ll lose the scenario."

"None of your heroes needs to wear the Mind Shield."

An event is triggered everytime Magnus fight any other army: if the opponent army owns the mind shield (even if it is in the backpack) the fight works, otherwise the opponent loses (not the combat, but the game); that's why you lose if Magnus reconquer any of your towns.

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Re: The Price of Peace > The Price of Peace

Unread postby Wheeler Dealer » 17 Nov 2022, 19:14

The Price of Peace, Champion, a journal

Crossroads, max 15

Week 1, Couldn't go directly for the town. Found a halfling burrow to the west and with those 23 halflings managed to take the town on 1,1,5.

Week 2, hired an Order Lord, took the golem and magi generators, picking my battles, working toward Genies.

Week 3, started building Genies. Hired a second Order Lord, Emilia up to L4.

Week 4, Flagged all my local mines except for the gold mine, Emilia at L6 leading an army of Nagas, Genies, magi and halflings. A bit unlucky with the available spells, missed Slow, Ice Bolt, Teleport and Town Gate.

Week 5, took the gold mine losing 4 magi and 1 Naga. Decided to keep the Leprechaun's Ring.

Week 6, took Red's town. Orange attacked but when Emilia headed that way they ran. Starting to take a casualty or two each battle. Reinforcements are so far away.

Week 7, Orange armies beat down, I'm producing Titans, heading for neutral academy in SW corner. Two problems with that plan, Orange threatened my stronghold and all those Genies guarding the path to the academy chewed up my troops. Backed off and chased the Orange army while bringing in some gold golems.

Week 8, an Orange army comes through one of the Red Exits near the beginning of each week. I managed to catch the armies from weeks 7 and 8 within the first few days of week 8. Then I headed for the 97 Genie guardians in the SW. I put gold golems across the front of a square formation and won a tricky battle (flawless) and then took the SW academy. Amelia is maxed out. Bringing over a priest I hired earlier to join so those xp don't go to waste.

Week 9, Working my way back to the Thunderbirds in the south central, guarding many treasures. Beat the Thunderbirds, not too hard.

Week 10, Moved on to the Water Elementals guarding the pass north of my starting town. Put a row of gold golems across the front. Still tricky to win without significant casualties. Spent a lot of time summoning creatures to stand in front of my real creatures. My monk is up to L9. Spotted Orange town.

Week 11, Took last Orange town, last Orange army made a suicide run on one of my towns, Orange out.

Week 12, took a 5th town, spent the week marching to the SW corner to pick up some spells.

Week 13, took an asylum in NW corner. Started giving Order Lords "Ride Alongs". Finally found a gold mine!

Week 14, rolling, swapping out "Ride Along" lords. Easy win on 4,3,1. Daily gold 16K, 6 Order Lords Levels 6-12. Peasants chipped in 818 gold/day, lords about 4K/day.

An Enemy's Trust max 20

There were two types of battles for Emilia alone. Slow, Haste, Flight, Precision and Bless. Then just stay out of range and shoot. The other method was to just create illusions of you enemy, have the illusions defend until you were creating faster than dying.

Week 1, took 3 mines, fought the battles near my starting town that I could win with just my heroes. I want Genies before I go to a full army.

Week 2, captured the academy near the center of the map. Hired an army but it still hasn't caught up with my heroes. Flagged gem, crystal and gold mines.

Week 3, Cleaned up most of my local area.

Week 4, My Army of Genies, magi and halflings is unstoppable. Found my way to Ye Olde Shoppe. Income 4,820 g/d.

Week 5, Defeated the Minotaur King and captured both asylums. Beginning to build Titans.

Week 6, Moving east to clash with Blue. Emilia L18, Tharj L14.

Week 7, Captured the neutral academy in the NE corner.

Week 8, Took the Blue academy just south of the Blue Border Gate. I have 6 towns to Blue's one. Finally added Titans (10) to my army.

Week 9, I could have finished off Solmyr but I want to use the last gem (guarded by 13 Black Dragons) and gain Tharj more Levels. Emilia reached L20 at the Tree of Knowledge. Couldn't take the Black Dragons w/o unacceptable losses.

Week 10, Went back to the Treasure Yard near my starting town, Tharj reached L18. Maybe the Black Dragons and the ToK will do it.

Week 11, Almost back to the Black Dragons and the last Blue Town.

Week 12, Came back to the (now 15) Black dragons with a much bigger army, flawless victory. Tharj at L18. Tharj hit the ToK and got L19, within 10K xp of L20.

Week 13, finish Solmyr off @ 4,1,2

The Servant (Solmyr) max 15, gold is scarce and xp plentiful.

Week 1, Spent most of this week picking up resources and flagging sites where I didn't have to fight or could flee. My first fight was with scores of wolves. Used the poor man's Town Gate a few times to get back to my town. Hired a knight.

Week 2, defeated the cerberi guarding the war sling, 4 hit and run attacks on the minotaurs guarding the gem mine. Got them down to about half. About ready to try the neutral academy.

Week 3, tried the magi in the tower, no dice, since I was there, fought the medusae for the crystal mine, beat the minotaurs and flagged the gem mine. Almost ready to build an Altar of Wishes.

Week 4, Captured the neutral academy with 3 heroes, 9 Genies and 58 halflings.

Week 5, liberated Altar of Wishes, took casualties. Down to Hit & Run at the gold mine and the golem factory.

Week 6, beat down the gold mine guards enough to bring in my army and defeat them. The guards for the golem factory didn't return to their prior position after attacking me. Now they prevent traffic for my second academy.

Week 7, cleared the golem/magi guards. Now I've got to clear the 96 Genies guarding the SW road. Fight as long as I can and then run with the
Town Gate spell.

Week 8, after 3 or 4 of these "safe" attacks I defeated the Genies. Took the blue necropolis and eliminated blue. Annoying Green army nearby. I attacked and quickly used Town Gate but I zipped all the way to my original academy instead of the nearby necropolis?

Week 9, Bought 2 Universities and got very good results, even if it did take a while to go use them. Closing in on Green.

Week 10, took Green's asylum. Green crippled.

Week 11, took neutral asylum. Solmyr reached L15 (used ToK). Building Titans.

Week 12, Took Orange's town, my Reaver reached L15. Up to 9 Titans in my army. Think I'll let my Thief ride along.

Week 13, Defeated Bloth the Hatcher and took the last Red Town.

Week 14, took the neutral necropolis just east of the center of the map. My thief reached L15 and now is just my Speed Demon. GM Pathfinding, 2 pair of Equestrian Gloves and Boots of Travel he moves the army at 250% of the slowest units. He drops out of the battles now because of the morale penalty.

Week 15, I now have 4 L15 heroes. Solved the Puzzle, got the Dragon Scale Armor.

Week 16, End battle. I had 30 Titans, 96 Genies, 485 halflings and three L15 heroes against 20 Black Dragons. Lost 32 halflings.

The Rainbow Crystal, max 20

Week 1, Captured the SE academy and 2 mines and the Mage Tower and hired an Order Lord.

Week 2, Won the SW academy but lost my pikemen.

Week 3, Building Genies, recovered Cap of Knowledge, hired a second Order Lord and a knight.

Week 4, Captured a gold mine and got access to a Learning Stone so my gold situation is a lot better 3,430/day.

Week 5, Cleared everything above ground except for behind the Green Border Guard. Got some skills from the 2 Universities. Solmyr learned Master Order Magic and got some very useful spells.

Week 6, surface cleared.

Week 7, Solmyr reached L20. Don't think I need the SW town. Starting to make Dragon Golems but it will take forever to get them to my army.

Week 8, difficult battle for the underground SE gold mine. From past experience and the various posts, I decided to skip the SW corner. I had 5 Dragon Golems built & on the way, but they never reached my army. My two heroes, 18 Genies, 46 magi and 128 halflings were enough to win easily.

Finished @ M2W4D4.

An Unusual Betrayal max 30

Week 1, Flagged ore, wood, gem and crystal mines. Tharj reached L20. One viable tactic is to protect the nagas with Martyr and cover Emelia with healing spells.

Week 2, won the neutral academy to the west. The army guarding my access to the town was VERY difficult.

Week 3, Eliminated Green, winning the green town in the far west. Threat to my original town.

Week 4, tracked down the teal invaders, but they had used a Gem of Power I missed. Went to the SE through the Green one-way portal. Not sure how to get back but I captured a neutral haven.

Week 5, Cleared the SE except for the guardians preventing my return to the main map area. Had to use H&R tactics on some of the neutral stacks.

Week 6, managed to dodge the guardians and return to the original map area. Not sure whether they just wandered off or pursued one of my armies. Captured Red's town and eliminated Red.

Week 7, developing a second army around a mage and a knight to deal with the small armies harassing me and to clear caravan routes from neutrals put in place at the first of each month.

Week 8, took a second haven near the center of the map. Managed to bluff away an army threatening my southern academy.

Week 9, rescued Reed

Week 10, Uneventful

Week 11, Lots of building town garrisons to intimidate small armies roaming my lands. I've loads of gold!!!

Weeks 12 & 13, Building my heroes, beginning to tackle some of the hardest set battles. Emilia and Tharj are L24.

Week 14, noticed the purple portal in the far NW. Duh! Gave my support army all Life troops to consolidate all my order troops under my 2 main heroes.

Week 15, beat the Dragon City with Emilia, Tharj and 49 Titans. Tharj was killed. Captured the Teal academy underground.

Week 16, Cracked 1M gold.

Week 17, Building my carry over heroes. My 5 Treasuries bring in 100K gold/day.

Week 21, Everything but Landrew is done. Going to visit the two Trees and wrap up.

Week 23, Defeated Lord Landrew on 6,3,4. Emilia and Tharj made L29 and Reed L13. Had over 9M gold!!!

Slave to Fear (max L30)

Week 1, entered the Altar of Wishes and they joined, only had enough gold for 1 Genie. Near the week's end I captured a neutral academy.

Week 2, captured the neutral academy in the east central.

Week 3, captured Cauldron Hill. Here's a tactic I had never used. I had about a dozen genies and Solmyr against 30 Mantis. Split the Genies 6 ways, Solmyr had Berserk and Poison. Arranged to have the Mantis attack each other in pairs Poisoned as required and pretty much just held down the "D" key.

Week 4, Captured neutral academy in NW. Hired a knight and a 4th Order Lord.

Week 5, captured Brookside (far NW) eliminating Orange. Defeated Vail's Gate (academy east central). Huge battle, 148 Efreeti and 148 Nightmares vs. Solmyr, Tyris and 19 Genies. It took 1 & 1/2 hours but ended in a flawless victory.

Week 6, up to this point, my army has been Solmyr, my general and a bunch of Genies. There have been some very long battles (not worth it) but no casualties.

Week 7, Took the Blue town. Now just growing Solmyr until I can close it out. Slow going, 4 uber hard neutral stacks I need to take for the experience. Still building my infrastructure.

Week 8, there are 4 uber stacks but I don't have enough gold to build my own uber army yet. built 5 Treasuries and passed several turns.

Week 9, nearly 200 Water Elementals, Air Elementals and Rock Elementals guarding a gold mine on the east border presented a challenge (used 2 vials of binding) but I came away with a Flawless Victory.

Next challenge was 38 Devils and 38 Ice Demons. I tried first with my 74 Genies in 4 stacks. I was going to try to Blind one stack of Devils and use Song of peace on the other. Too many casualties. Tried again with 74 Genies, 11 Titans and Solmyr. Solmyr cast Berserk on the devils, they hit the Ice Demons and got frozen. Lots of ways home from there. Solmyr reached L25.

I included my Warden in fighting 190 FEs and 150 Efreeti because I wanted him to throw some Potions of Binding. Flawless Victory.

Week 10, finished all the uber neutral stacks. Just need to visit the ToK and find Emilia. Solmyr reached L26.

To Slay an Immortal (max 36)

Week 1, the tower only requires 6 EEs but Solmyr has to be in the army. Minerva Joined on 1,1,5.

Week 2-3, Emilia and Kodge took on most of the battles on the Surface. Kodge wasn't much help. Emilia's Hypnotize is just too strong. Meanwhile, Solmyr is dominating below with just Genies in his army. Almost ready to send Solmyr above.

Week 4, sent Solmyr above. There are 4 spots to be blocked in front of a town, on the underground town one spot is blocked by the environment. Sent Emilia, Tharj, Kodge and Taddevan below and brought Emilia and Kodge back to the surface. I had the underground army pick off a few easy battles, leaving the tough ones for the main army. captured two of Red's towns.

Week 5-6, Main Army = Emilia, Solmyr, Kodge and 28 Genies. Ripping through battles so fast mana is getting to be a problem. The problem is how to dish out enough damage to finish off these huge armies without burning too much mana.

There is a tunnel in the south central. Once you take extra underground cities you can't get back above but the tunnel allows you to take the surface cities and still get back below.

Week 7, Recovered The Sword of the Gods @ 2,3,1. Whether on purpose or accidental, the ferry is one way.

Week 8, took the Teal, Blue & Green towns.

Week 9, main army use Town Gate to access an underground city @ 3,1,5.

Week 10, took Mazzak, hit last ToK, (Solmyr got GM Order Magic) want to just learn a couple of L5 Order Spells and finish.

Week 11, Finished @ 3,3,4. Main heroes L33, L30, L23.

The Price of Peace

Week 1, I started with 2 copies of The Sword of the Gods. Sent each of my 3 heroes out on his own. Captured a neutral academy.

Week 2, took Green asylum and eliminated Green.

Week 3, exploring

Week 4, eliminated Red, Solmyr beat 157 Titans to win the Mind Shield. Long battle, 20 minutes. Slow, Poison, Plague, Raise Ghosts, Precision, Bless, Flight, Aura of Fear, Disrupting Ray, about 40K xp. Amilia defeated 21 Black Dragons. About 8K xp. Amilia used Town Gate to cross to the Teal Town. Captured Blue's second academy.

Week 5, attacked Magnus with Emilia, she was L35 to his L24. Never entered the battle screen, I just lost.

Week 6, Emilia and Solmyr caught Magnus roaming without his army, trivial battle. The Mind shield just has to be in the possession of one of the heroes in the battle not equipped.

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