I've been working on and off on a Heroes of Might & Magic section on my retro website over the last year containing information, pictures, videos and tips for the games. I've also been looking to expand it to list games similar to, copied from, or influenced by HoMM. Plus I quite like collecting and playing any games similar to HoMM so I'm interested to know if there's any out there that I don't already know about! I'm also including any browser based HoMM clones too.
2015 Update: I've also added some of the great HoMM total conversion/sequel fan projects out there (alive or dead) to make sure that they are never forgotten and can inspire other talented fans to create new HoMM related projects in the future. There are a gazillion mods & maps out there for HoMM games so I'm more interested in just tributing the big total conversion projects that expand the original game.
This is my latest summary of the website list below.
(Note: Originally built in 2001 this website is still deliberately very late 90s early 2000s retro in design. So if you’re not nostalgic for old retro websites with music, animating gifs & left click browsing then you probably won’t like it)

HoMM Similar Games & TC Mods list (Updated 2/01/2017) :
HoMM Games
HoMM1-7 Series
HoMM1 & 2 - Game Boy Colour
Heroes Chronicles Series - The Curse of Immortality
HoMM Quest for the Dragon Bone Staff - Playstation 2
Might & Magic: Heroes Kingdoms
Might & Magic: Heroes Online
Very Similar
Kings Bounty Series
Age of Wonders Series
Heroes of Gaia
Palm Kingdoms Series (Formerly Palm Heroes)
Royal Bounty HD
Spaceforce: Captains
Disciples Series
Lords of Magic - Special Edition
Chaos Reborn
Eador Series
Hammer of the Gods
Etherlords Series
Warlords Series
Master of Magic
Sort of Similar
Last Days of Old Earth
Dominions Series
Conquest of Elysium Series
Celtic Tales - Balor of the Evil Eye
Heroes of Annihilated Empires
Fan Games & Large Scale Total Conversion Mods
HoMM5 - Legends of the Ancients TC Mod
Heroes Land - Online Multiplayer HoMM3
HoMM3.5 - In the Wake of Gods TC Mod
HoMM4 – Equilibris TC Mod
VCMI - HoMM3 Engine Rebuild
HoMM3 - Horn of The Abyss TC Mod
HoMM3 - Era 2 TC Mod
HoMM3 - The Succession Wars TC Mod
HoMM5 - Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 TC Mod
HoMM3 - Legend of the Red Dragon TC Mod
HoMM3 - Master of Puppets TC Mod
HoMM3 - Hero of Light TC Mod
HoMM3 - Stargate Atlantis TC Mod
HoMM3 - Mythology TC Mod
If you know of a game series I've missed that's very similar to HoMM, a fan game based on HoMM, or a large scale mod project that attempts to expand one of the HoMM games please let me know!