MM7 - arbiter did not die

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MM7 - arbiter did not die

Unread postby lawn » 23 May 2012, 19:58

Four months later after the castle reconstruction, I went to the Harmondale. However, I went not on foot but with Town portal. When I appeared in the castle there was quest sound but without a message that arbiter died. And he did not. After this, no main quests are available. Can it be repaired?

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Unread postby unknownone » 23 May 2012, 22:02

Try returning to an earlier savegame and travel normally. For example you can reload the autosave made at the teleport moment (if you didn't enter any dungeon or new zone it is still there).
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Unread postby Arret » 24 May 2012, 02:31

This has happened to me before. You do not activate the war clock until you actually step foot into Harmondale (the castle does not activate it and sometimes even exiting the castle doesn't do it). You need to listen for a ding sound when you enter Harmondale when it activates. This will start the war clock.

One way to check is simply spend 2 months and then town portal to Tularean Forest. You will get the trumpet quest the first time you enter the zone during the 3rd month of the war clock (8-12 weeks in)

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Unread postby Mn » 24 May 2012, 09:32

May be you forgot about trumpet quest (it's one of main story quests I think)
And (not sure) I got a dead arbiter message in T-Forest or in walking from T-Forest to Harmondale by foots

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Unread postby Avonu » 24 May 2012, 10:41

Trophy quest is optional, you don't need to do it, to progress main quest.
IIRC messanger with information about Judge Grey death appears in Harmondale (but not in castle), when you enter this area and time conditions are fulfiled.

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Unread postby lawn » 24 May 2012, 19:55

Although all available quests are over, I started wasting time. I spend several months and finally, in June of 1169, the messenger with the news of arbiter’s death appeared. However, trumpet quest didn’t appear at all. How it can be taken?

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Unread postby ShadowLiberal » 24 May 2012, 22:13

You need to enter the Tularean Forest to get the quest, but it only happens so many days after you do the two ambassador's quests first (or maybe so many days after the castle reconstruction).

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Unread postby Arret » 25 May 2012, 04:38

Arret wrote: One way to check is simply spend 2 months and then town portal to Tularean Forest. You will get the trumpet quest the first time you enter the zone during the 3rd month of the war clock (8-12 weeks in)
It is any time during the 3rd month (8 weeks later to 12 weeks later) from when the war clock is started when you enter Tularean Forest. The war clock starts when you enter the zone Harmondale (NOT Castle Harmondale, but the outside) after rescuing the dwarves. You will hear a ding sound when you enter Harmondale which signals the war clock has started.

If the arbiter has died you cannot recover this quest.

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