Just got it, great game!

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Just got it, great game!

Unread postby fatespinner » 30 Apr 2012, 05:03

Been a long time fan, I started with HoMM II. Last one I played a lot of was HoMM3. I never played much of 4 or 5 because my life was just too busy back then. What little I was able to play of the last two I remember enjoying them both but 6 here is really nice! One pleasent surprise was I was able to crank up graphics to max on an old desktop athlon x2 5200 which only had a couple video card upgrades the last 5 years. Runs smooth as silk and looks fantastic. So far I have played some of the campaign, a couple other maps and I already made 4 maps of my own. A couple of them seem pretty good and I wll upload them here. Let's just say most fun I had in a long time. :)

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Unread postby Cleanpea » 08 May 2012, 19:15

Great stuff! I just now bought the game, and I would love to see some enthusiasm for H6 here on the forum. I remember people going all nostalgic and teary-eyed over all the discussions and anticipations for H5, and later (a little more sceptical) over the wait for H6. I would love to be able to download maps, and read those discussions, and learn more of this game as well. It absorbed 40 hours of my life in five days, and I mean it deserves a place among the fans.

Have uploaded your maps yet, I would love to try them out:-)

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