znorks very long thread about fc,hommv,minigame and sf

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znorks very long thread about fc,hommv,minigame and sf

Unread postby Znork » 10 Apr 2006, 17:10

Well after being drunk I promised angel spite a long thread about how I look at different issues suroinding Homm V, sf,the mini gamen and FC. This post is as I stated my personal views, they are bassed on active engadment with comuntey as normal fan. Thru my now nerly 1 year activety on the offical forum I have hade the greate plasure of talking with some of the important people in the Homm V comunety. I also hade the honor of being part of the closed beta, even thoughe I was not amongste the first:) Many of posts have many spelling errors (this no expetion) the reason is that im dislectic, to give you a good compersion im word blind. Would you ask a blind person to whatc out?

Because of my bad englishe if have been noticed by different people and som have come to listen to what I have to say, witche has made me think twice before posting. Her are my frank and truthefull take on homm V and all the importan stuff. I would like to thank all of for taking the time to read my post and trying to understand what im writing. And that its fun being part of comunety that has so many intresting people with strong personaltys and good sence if humor. So here it is in all its glory znorks take on homm v, sf,the mini game and Fabrice Cambounet enjoy!

Fabrice Cambounet

I ll start with shering some of my impresons about Fabrice Cambounet, and let me start simpel his frenche And ill not try to impress you with the wast sum of my secret knowlage about fc as a person but I have had the plesur to talk to him on irc a coupel of times during the closed beta. And well the man loves games, and is making games on his free time, so I would guess he has his dream jobb ;) But check out his web page there are som games he has made there, intresting to play. http://www.muad.com/

But the most importan part about FC is that he truly cars fore Homm V and wants it to be the best game ever. The time he has taken to meat the fans and engade us is in debate about evrything is proffe of that. I’ll come back to sf but that is jet another proff that he truly listens to what we say even if he dosent agree. So when the fans talk fc listens, he is a good lurker at all times of the day. So if you had a good ide it migt be in the game, without you knowing it.

To give you a smal insight in tho his dedication to making Homm V the best game ever ill shere this smal story frome the closed beta. Will I was making redy for the new years party, fc was making shure that the beta testers got the last version of the beta so we could test it on. He was working the whole new years eave to make it happen, when I got home frome the party fc hadde made it and was still helping beta testers getting the last push.

With this caind of comitment I would belive if FC plays his cards right, having a fabrice game would have its own standing along people like Sid Maiers games. I would hope he’s next projeckt will be something of his own making not a game where the there are stricket ruls to what you can make and not make. If i was you, I would keep an eye out for his next big projekt what ever it will be. So with FC as the producer I am ferly sirten that Homm v will be a good game, with this ill move over to the second topic in this post.

Homm V

Is Homm V gonna be a good game wurthe youre money? Well her all of you know more then my since I diden play the open beta. But with the knowlage I have about FC and the people in the closed beta I would be shocked if this game will be a truly wurthy homm game. My feeling is that the potesial it had and with the exstra time it got in development will make this a solid game. My grates fear is that the extra focuse on zomming and panning will take focus away from strategy and planing, I know 3d is her to stay but I don’t like it I don’t see what extra value it will give the game experience. But the graphics are stunningly butifull and with the music withce just got relased I would bet on a strong grade in graphics and sound. But will it be a game ill play again and again? This is the unanserd question ill find out when I finaly get to play the game (this might take some time ill get back to it). With the anunced changes from the beta of the menues and and buttons I im ferly shure it will be ok to play, I suspect not grate because of som desing decision I don’t like, but all in all it will be a good game. I am concerned over the magic part of the game and how it will effeckt how fun it is, I think there are too few spells I also hava a consern about the feeling you get as the hero gets bether, when playing the closed beta I did not get that feel. The progression of the hero and the menues surroding the homm and the itms menues are a big uncertenty. I only bring this up since it is the same in the open beta . I’ll finde it intresting to se how the anunced changes will work. But knowing FC he will make shure that changes are in tune with the wishes of the fans and not the Nival Just a small side step about Nival I think we the fans are little to hard on them, they are doing there best and the game looks grate! If Muadib is youre boss you should fear his wrathe So Nival is FCs problem and I think is ontop of them harder then a flock fully loaded oil tankers.

If the game is as easy to mod as the betas this game will have bright future, my only consern if there will be to hars to edit the exe file so that people like wog can change the game in the future, I will be hoping for unit xp and other cool stuff. The suscsess of the game is alos based on the need to patche and balance the game. I think som game makers take to easy on patching and I would only hope that ubi has good patching contrackt with nival that would insure patches no mather what. I belive publisheres have a comitment to the fans when they buy thir games. And I think homm V will need more patches to cater for the need of balanscing the most games.

So to one of the biggys that was debated back in the good old days when I only had 200 posts under my belt, is homm v a 3d version of homm III? My answer is clear NO, anybody not agreeing with me on this point should get ther head cheked. I say it her and now and there should be made totally clear to the comunety to all fans and all press. THIS IS HOMM V! In form, size game play, graphics and tatics. This is not an uppgrade of homm IV either it is its own game, yet it stays true too the form and is truly a homm game.

So to sum up my feelings and veiw points on Homm V it has the potesial to be HUGE and im 100% shure it will be a good game as a minnimum.

Still reading? Her are my views on the mini game!

I HATE IT, I hate it, I hate it , I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it. Im addicted. Im playing it as im writing this, dam I lost. Well ok how can something so simpel be so fun? We don’t need Homm v now, all will be playing this mini game. There are som tweeks in it I would like to see fixed but it just to muche fun. And the game is very slow there should be som more servers to get online. I think the game will be a huge succses and there will be many exames goin south because of it. So dam you maker of this game. Ok I love it.


No it will not blow up youre compueter; there is a very smal change that you will have problems. This debate is mared with fantastic calims form Bothe sides. Since this post is about my views about stuff ill give you my view on SF. SF is just wrong, there migt be an ecomical reason for doing it, but in my views SF is as bad as the pirates. And companys using SF is as bad as the crackers. I will not install or play any game with SF on it, ill not buy a game with SF on it. I realy don’t like companise that are so afraid of their fans that they are will to what ever it takes to proteckt their intelectual proberty. If something is not in the intrest of the fans it should not be there. Its not that I don’t understand way they choose to us it, it’s that I don’t accsept their bassis for doing so. Had publisheres like ubisoft only wanted to stop piracy in the crucial first part of the game I could understand it, but beeing so blinde that they think that having copy protected games in the end helps them is beiond me, it is just stupid greed and pried is leading them not to removing the drm after a coupel of monthes.

And the legit custemors have to face the choice to buy a game the fearing what companyes install on youre computer. I don’t accsept that, I don’t accsept that ubi thinks it has the right to aske me to install this so you can enjoy the game. They don’t want me to be able to play their games on my desktop and on my laptop, it ts my game I bought it from you. All I want is to play and have fun, not worry about what happens when I put in this cd. I can’t recommend people buy games to their children. I recommend my frinds to use craks instead of the cd (affter buying it), some if my frinds work in support and they do the same. I myself own my own companie helping people with computers, I see how stupid they are and UBI wants them to uppgrade firmwhere?

It was about time the fans began to wake up and protest what the gaming industry is doing. I expected this back lashe from the fans of games, and the fact that fans of homm v in many ways are the driving force of the anti sf campain I find as good proofe that the Homm V fans are very smart and know what they want. I belive that the boycott SF movement will grow, because it’s the comunty leaders in computers that are on the forums, and they are telling their frinds not to buy games with sf on them. I would like to qoute the galciv producer when he says he knows his demographics, i would urge ubi to do the same.

So even if the game is grate ill not be abel to play it until they remove SF, I have alredy started to work to lean on UBI to make them remove SF after the peek of sales I can only hope that UBI ackts resposible and removes SF after some monthes. So to all you anti and pro sfers out there ill hope you will join me in this view ans start working with who ever you know to ask UBI to be sensibel and remove SF from homm v after 6 monthes!

So in the end im sad, all I wanted was to play Homm V and support the development of the best game ever. In stead im writing this long part about copyprotection, and how I can’t support it. How many of you truly support sf? How many of will bee thinking about it when you put in the homm v cd? Dose it realy mather if sf is safe did you realy like drm in the first place?

So ill end the sf part of my long post with a warning to any game exuctive read this post, Piracy and downloading is her to stay, as the internett gorwes and gets faster it will increese. If you don’t find a bether soulution to youre probelem than with copy protection and drms, people like me and my frideds will migrate to linux, takeing frinds and family with us. This will lead to the market changing suddanly and fast, forcing you to start making money in the open source comunety. I know you don’t belive me but it will happen sooner rather then later with the huge focus on drms and piracy protection. You lost the pr war long befor it started, and you can never win it! The only thing you could hope for was that it would never start. I know if you tray to force the market it will raice up and bite you, and you are now getting the first warnings!

Short summery

FC grate for homm v, homm v will be good might be grate, mini game love to hate it, sf bad.

This post was long and was as promised about Heroes v, SF,the mini game and fc! And as normal I laugeht my brains out over cranky homm, good work angel.

Hope you guys enjoyd my post and have many intresting things to debate;) I used 3 days making this post, so you behter have read it all Yes the forum mascot has posted, now angel where is my titel? Leprechaun???

The End

On a small note this post is long and have many aspects in it, and I will try to debate all of you on the different topics I have brought up. But could we pleace keep the sf dabeta in the sf thread? I suspect that many of you want to attack my sf view ill answer then only there.
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Unread postby Pol » 10 Apr 2006, 18:04

I was already suspicious against MuadDib that he is good chap. Now when I seen his "academy" and easily was able to replied to all of collected questions I'm rock sure about it :proud:
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Unread postby FantoMaxJM » 10 Apr 2006, 19:36

Pol: You must have ment something like "for" instead of "against"..? ;) Anyways, thanks Znork fotr your cutting sharp analysis, I´ll read the whole thing word-by-word when I can finally fix this "Znorkish-Finnish"-dictionary (EDIT: Copywright owned by Fabrice). ;)
No offence, just teasing a bit! :D
Last edited by FantoMaxJM on 10 Apr 2006, 21:04, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby Pol » 10 Apr 2006, 19:49

I simply cannot be suspicous for ;)

Analysis is great, how mucht time it's taken?
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Unread postby FantoMaxJM » 10 Apr 2006, 20:36

Pol wrote:I simply cannot be suspicous for ;)
My bad! I should have paid more attention in English classes insted of rolling couple of coins in my pocket.. ;)

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Unread postby Infiltrator » 10 Apr 2006, 22:47

Nice post :tsup:

I don't agree with all the points (some sf parts and some parts regarding the H5 section) but all in all I see where you get your ideas from, and have to agree with most of it :)

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Unread postby Kareeah Indaga » 10 Apr 2006, 23:44

Znork wrote: But the most importan part about FC is that he truly cars fore Homm V and wants it to be the best game ever.
Agree with that. :-D :-D :-D If everyone at Nival and Ubisoft cared as much about the game as Fabrice, I would have no doubts—*recalls how paranoid and pessimistic she can be*—okay, far fewer doubts on the success and quality of Heroes V. :D

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Unread postby Znork » 11 Apr 2006, 13:00

Well it looks like many are never got thrue it. 132 views and 6 posts:)
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Unread postby skel1977 » 11 Apr 2006, 13:21

I have a hard time reading your post. In fact I stopped reading after about 2 sentences when I found out I would be reading computer ebonics the whole way through. Next time, lern haw 2 spel rite.

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Unread postby I_Dun_Hat3_CT » 11 Apr 2006, 13:35

But that makes him the true Znork!

Everything is great, actually i have not read finish.
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Unread postby Killroyan » 13 Apr 2006, 14:43

Good post Znork. I can understand your point of view on SF. Piracy will always be there but that doesn't mean that they aren't allowed to do something against it. I so far have no problems with SF.

FC is da man. We can all agree on that. The amount of work he has put in the closed and open beta is enormous. Especially the closed one was amazing how big his participation was. He even used his own comp as a place to download the next push. Remarkable. This guy really deserves a lot of praise and when I see the new screenshots then they really have listened to a lot of things we said like better fonts for the writing and the horse cursor back (just small things but I love them already).

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Unread postby Xenofex.XVII » 13 Apr 2006, 16:08

Good post, Znork ;)

It is very nice to read that FC cares about this game so much. :D

It seems i can understand "Znorkish" :devil: :devious:
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Unread postby Godslayer » 14 Apr 2006, 00:24

skel1977 wrote:I have a hard time reading your post. In fact I stopped reading after about 2 sentences when I found out I would be reading computer ebonics the whole way through. Next time, lern haw 2 spel rite.
Howsa bout you learn how not to pass judgment without gathering facts, jerk.

He clearly states he's dislectic. :disagree:

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