That last round, was it fun? <a href="/ ... 5">Here</a> you can see the answer and the picture of the ice demons is right here: <img src="/images/smiles/smile9.gif">
<center><a href="/images/misc/maciek3_icestacks.jpg"><img src="/images/misc/maciek3_icestacks_sm.jpg"></a>
(click image to enlarge)</center>
Here are the next two questions:
<i>* At some point in a battle you only control one hero. How can you then create 2 stacks within 1 turn of battle without using your hero's spellpoints?
* A mage and another hero enter a battle against some peasants. Before the battle only the mage had plenty of spellpoints. After the battle only the other hero had plenty of spellpoints. They didn't have any artifacts or potions and both were below level 15. What happened?</i>
Have fun with them. <img src="/images/smiles/big%20smile.gif">
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Quiz: Round #4
Quiz: Round #4
In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: Magnanimity, In Peace: Goodwill.
- ThunderTitan
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1st question:
Type any 2 of the following:
nwcTristram - crusaders
nwcLancelot - champions
nwcStMichael - angels
nwcSevenLittleGuys - dwarves
nwcMerlin - magi
nwcCronus - titans
nwcBlahBlah - vampires
nwcHades - devils
nwcUnderTheBridge - trolls
nwcKingMinos - minotaur
nwcXanthus - nightmares
nwcFafnir - black dragons
nwcDoYouSmellBrownies - sprites
nwcFenrir - wolves
nwcFixMyShoes - elves
nwcTheLast - unicorn
nwcRa - phoenix
nwcValkyries - ogre magi
nwcGrendel - behemoth
nwcPoseidon - sea monster

(yeah, i know they don't work on the BF...)
Type any 2 of the following:
nwcTristram - crusaders
nwcLancelot - champions
nwcStMichael - angels
nwcSevenLittleGuys - dwarves
nwcMerlin - magi
nwcCronus - titans
nwcBlahBlah - vampires
nwcHades - devils
nwcUnderTheBridge - trolls
nwcKingMinos - minotaur
nwcXanthus - nightmares
nwcFafnir - black dragons
nwcDoYouSmellBrownies - sprites
nwcFenrir - wolves
nwcFixMyShoes - elves
nwcTheLast - unicorn
nwcRa - phoenix
nwcValkyries - ogre magi
nwcGrendel - behemoth
nwcPoseidon - sea monster

(yeah, i know they don't work on the BF...)
Disclaimer: May contain sarcasm!
I have never faked a sarcasm in my entire life. - ???
"With ABC deleting dynamite gags from cartoons, do you find that your children are using explosives less frequently?" — Mark LoPresti
Alt-0128: €

I have never faked a sarcasm in my entire life. - ???
"With ABC deleting dynamite gags from cartoons, do you find that your children are using explosives less frequently?" — Mark LoPresti
Alt-0128: €

Quiz: Round #4
Scroll (or was it potion?) of illusion, cast on devils, send a stack of real ice demons to attack enemy devils to absorb retaliation. When they die, cast summon ice demon on corpse (from devil ability).
------ <-Wierd but fun french fighting game <-Wierd but fun french fighting game
- CloudRiderX
- Succubus
- Posts: 808
- Joined: 06 Jan 2006
- Location: USA
Quiz: Round #4
I myself prefer the old man with the fireball slingshot.
"A Guardian is always prepared." - Galio, the Sentinel's Sorrow
Q6: Animate Devils with wand, who in his turn summon Ice Demon. Or animate Genies and cast illusion of anything on BF. Or mages + their skeletons.
Q7: Hero with mana summons imps, makes the trick with mirrored Hypnotize from Q4, summons spellcaster, imps transfers mana to mana-less hero. Repeat.
Edit: This solution seems to require slightly better hero than allowed. Will look for something less complex.
Q7: Hero with mana summons imps, makes the trick with mirrored Hypnotize from Q4, summons spellcaster, imps transfers mana to mana-less hero. Repeat.
Edit: This solution seems to require slightly better hero than allowed. Will look for something less complex.
"Not a shred of evidence exists in favour of the idea that life is serious." Brendan Gill
Quiz: Round #4
I mean, if only one hero has plenty of spellpoints, then the other one has little spellpoints, not nessecerily no spellpoints. However, by 'mage' I mean a hero with Mage class. Sorry if it wasn't clear from start.
Here we have some solutions:
Question 6:
a) Use a Wand of Animating Dead to rise a dead Devil, that creates Ice Demons.
b) Use a Wand of Animating Dead to rise a dead Angel, that rises some other stack, perhaps Angels or a fallen hero, so this way you could even create more stacks.
c) Use a Wand of Animating Dead to rise a dead Mermaid or make an illusion of a Mermaid with a Wand of Illusions. The Mermaid attacks and charms an enemy Angel/Devil/hero (chance based), who creates a stack for you.
Question 7:
The other hero knew Magic Mirror and Magic Leech spells and the mage knew Hypnotize spell. The mage hypnotized a stack of peasants, then the other hero cast Magic Mirror on it and then the mage cast Hypnotize on it, dispelling Hypnotize on peasants and getting Hypnotized because of Magic Mirror. Then the other hero cast Magic Leech on the mage. It stays active after Hypnotize ends(the other hero may also need some spells to survive until the that point), allowing the mage to transfer up to half of remaining spellpoints to the other hero. You could substitute Magic Leech with a bunch of Imps(only work during Hypnotize effect) and add some Summon Phoenix/Faerie Dragon/Devil/Water Elemental and hope that the AI casts those spells while your mage(actually, it's an enchanter or an archmage now) is Hypnotized.
Question 6:
a) Use a Wand of Animating Dead to rise a dead Devil, that creates Ice Demons.
b) Use a Wand of Animating Dead to rise a dead Angel, that rises some other stack, perhaps Angels or a fallen hero, so this way you could even create more stacks.
c) Use a Wand of Animating Dead to rise a dead Mermaid or make an illusion of a Mermaid with a Wand of Illusions. The Mermaid attacks and charms an enemy Angel/Devil/hero (chance based), who creates a stack for you.
Question 7:
The other hero knew Magic Mirror and Magic Leech spells and the mage knew Hypnotize spell. The mage hypnotized a stack of peasants, then the other hero cast Magic Mirror on it and then the mage cast Hypnotize on it, dispelling Hypnotize on peasants and getting Hypnotized because of Magic Mirror. Then the other hero cast Magic Leech on the mage. It stays active after Hypnotize ends(the other hero may also need some spells to survive until the that point), allowing the mage to transfer up to half of remaining spellpoints to the other hero. You could substitute Magic Leech with a bunch of Imps(only work during Hypnotize effect) and add some Summon Phoenix/Faerie Dragon/Devil/Water Elemental and hope that the AI casts those spells while your mage(actually, it's an enchanter or an archmage now) is Hypnotized.
In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: Magnanimity, In Peace: Goodwill.
Kalah wrote:Question 6:
It's obviously not all possible solutions, and Mermaid trick does not actually create stack, just changes owner for a while.
Question 7:
Mana leech is the only answer, it's nice to see how source and target of the spell not change even if they change banner.
Summoning creatures with mana and knowing Hypnotize would require more levels than 15. With the only exception of Leprechauns. Leeching mana with imps from hero directly (or Leprechauns) will cost unproportionally more mana than is acually transferred, so it's not a good solution either.
"Not a shred of evidence exists in favour of the idea that life is serious." Brendan Gill
I didn't count the charmed stack as 'created'. However, the charmed stack can create a stack for you on its action (if it hasn't acted this turn yet).
Yes. The rest was just saying how (with higher level heroes) could the trick be enhanced to maybe even regenerate mana. I didn't make it a separate question because I thought you might need too many spell cost reducing Artifacts for it to be effective or work at all.Dalai wrote:Mana leech is the only answer
True. But an Angel can resurrect someone special (Genie, Mage, Mermaid, Hero with some other wand) who can add another stack. It can be additional question to the quiz - create the longest chain.Maciek wrote:However, the charmed stack can create a stack for you on its action (if it hasn't acted this turn yet).

"Not a shred of evidence exists in favour of the idea that life is serious." Brendan Gill
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