Can I play the 2 HMM5 expansions with window 7 home?

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Can I play the 2 HMM5 expansions with window 7 home?

Unread postby SyZ » 27 Jan 2012, 17:28

So I've spent about two months (probably 200-300 actual hours) on the campaign and this game is a lot of fun .. reminds me of Disciples 2 and the expansions and how a lot of the missions don't really offer anything new (you get the same 7 units and same spells etc) but it's still a lot of fun to play

So with that said, I've heard people have issues playing the two expansions on Windows 7 ... can anybody confirm whether or not they work? I know the second expansion is a standalone and completely changes a lot and I want to play that, but the first expansion continues the story and I'm actually at least partially into it ...

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Unread postby ShadowLiberal » 27 Jan 2012, 22:38

I run Windows 7 professional version, 64 bit, and heroes 5 runs fine on my computer.

On an older computer I had speed issues with TOTE that I didn't have the two earlier Heroes 5 games, but that wasn't on windows 7, and I think the issue was I forgot to turn down the graphic settings some.

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Unread postby Mirez » 28 Jan 2012, 13:58

Hi SyZ and welcome to the round table,

I ran h5 on windows 7 and I had no problems whatsoever. Same goes for HoF and ToTe.
treants are dendrosexual 0_o

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