HoMM 3 complete - GOG

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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HoMM 3 complete - GOG

Unread postby nutman » 14 Jan 2012, 20:48

Gidday I have HoMM complete from the HoMM collection (HoMM 1-5) and it takes up around 400MB, but I see the GOG version of HOMM 3 complete is 820MB? Why is this??


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Unread postby Bersaglio » 14 Jan 2012, 21:51

I have original NWC/3DO released version of HoMM 3: Complete (2CD), total size ~1.13Gb (1155Mb). And my version have copy protection also (Safedisc v1.50.020). ;)

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Unread postby Daerandin » 17 Jan 2012, 20:51

My reply is based purely on assumptions, but does the other version you mention require to read from the disc while playing? It could be that not all data files are installed and are read from the disc.

The GOG version (naturally enough) does not read from any disc since the install includes everything.

On the note about copy protection, I am probably one of the biggest GOG fanboys around based solely on their "no-DRM" policy. I have purchsed every game I already owned from GOG just to have it without pesky copy protection.

I do have the Heroes 3 complete from the Platinum edition. I might install it tomorrow just to see how much size it takes and report back if you'd be interested in knowing. I also have (or at least used to have) all the original Heroes 3 discs from the original release and the original expansion releases. However, I'm not sure where I have those anymore. Besides, I've packed away almost all my games on CD's and DVD's after having moved over to steam and GOG for all my games.

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