Modding Might and Magic VI (Spells and Merchants)

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Draco Agariz
Posts: 8
Joined: 15 Jun 2006
Location: Germany

Modding Might and Magic VI (Spells and Merchants)

Unread postby Draco Agariz » 09 Jan 2012, 17:55

Hello Folks,

i´ve got some trouble with modding Might and Magic VI and need desperately help.
I´m working on a little Mod (Just Basic TXT-based changes) but some things are beyond my reach.

The First is the modding of my example the weapons merchant in New Sorpigal. Someone managed to change the offer of him...but no matter what I do, after i made the changes the new weapons won´t show up (New Game, Map reload and Time-based Map Reset won´t help).

The second is the bigger problem:
Thanks to someone from this forum (Sorry that I forgot your Name...will add it later (Maybe Meastro?)) I know, that Spells (Like the damage and the costs) are stored in the EXE of Might and Magic VI.
But how do I change the values?
Is there an editor out there like the one for M&M VII and VIII?
Or do I have to edit them manually with a Hex-Editor (And if so...How?)?
I even tried this mmxtensions...but don´t know, what to do with this files.
Theres a light at the end of the tunnel...better pray it´s not a train.

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