Sanctuary campaign - 3rd mission

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Sanctuary campaign - 3rd mission

Unread postby saugeen123 » 04 Jan 2012, 02:44

In my game the necromancer boat does come thru the whirlpool exit several times ( 4 or 5 times)during my completion of the various quests. I found it very adventatious to build the two town portals in my beginning town, so I can zip back when I am far away. I don't know if any of the other players have experienced this. Maybe its because I spending too much time trying to complete the quests.

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Unread postby Spin » 05 Jan 2012, 01:05

It's definitely planned that the AI tries to attack through the whirlpool, and it forces you to build the advanced town portal. It's pretty much a must in all scenarios really to be able to go back to town within 2 turns.

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Unread postby Ell1e » 05 Jan 2012, 14:54

What month are you in now? The whirlpool guy didn't appear for me until really late into the game.

There's a little trick I read in one of the conflux orbs on the map: If you don't free the orcs and don't enter Necromancer territory (you get a line of dialog if you get too close to it and haven't freed the orcs), you don't get attacked for a really long time. So you can clear out the area, build your two towns and when you're done grab the orcs and take the next two towns in one go. I tried this and the Necromancers pretty much ignored me. There was one whirlpool invasion right in the beginning and one months later. I stopped the third invasion when the Necro hero saw my army and ran back to his town.

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Unread postby saugeen123 » 05 Jan 2012, 17:21

I really don't know what month I'm in now. I keep restarting because I want to do something different. and to decrease the amount of time that I spend doing something. But I experienced the necromancers coming down from the north as well as through the whirlpool early in the game. Shortly after I took possesion of the second beginning town. This mission isn't as bad as the 3rd mission in the Haven campaign

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Unread postby Mozared » 05 Jan 2012, 18:46

Don't free any of the orc encampments and the whirlpool waves should stop coming after one attack. That's how it went for me.

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Unread postby Mirez » 05 Jan 2012, 21:27

I got attacked only once through the whirlpool and once from the 4th village. I took my precious time to get the moondisk and the tear after I freed the orcs.
treants are dendrosexual 0_o

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