Thanks to Avonu.
If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:
https://www.celestialheavens.com/show_b ... php?id=602
Would OF. Oh, the irony.Ryder wrote:Would of thought it should say
Your hero HAS already reached THEIR MAXIMUM level.
Edited on Wed, Oct 19 2011, 19:30 by Ryder
ywhtptgtfo wrote:Would OF. Oh, the irony.Ryder wrote:Would of thought it should say
Your hero HAS already reached THEIR MAXIMUM level.
Edited on Wed, Oct 19 2011, 19:30 by Ryder
Actually, it would be HIS maximum- their is plural...Ryder wrote:Would of thought it should say
Your hero HAS already reached THEIR MAXIMUM level.
Edited on Wed, Oct 19 2011, 19:30 by Ryder
Isn't 'they' also used instead of 'he/she'?Qurqirish Dragon wrote:Actually, it would be HIS maximum- their is plural...
Yes, that's somewhat accepted nowadays. I still prefer to use the masculine form for simplicity and tradition.GreatEmerald wrote:Isn't 'they' also used instead of 'he/she'?Qurqirish Dragon wrote:Actually, it would be HIS maximum- their is plural...
Ah, that's a joke - with that maximumimal word.ywhtptgtfo wrote:What's maximillian level?Panda Tar wrote:Can't it be without any word at all? Like: "reached maximillian level".
In common speech, maybe. But in written speech, proper grammar should still be used. The only exception is when a character is speaking in a story, then the grammar (or lack thereof) should match the character's speech patterns- and even then only within quotes when s/he is speaking.GreatEmerald wrote:Isn't 'they' also used instead of 'he/she'?Qurqirish Dragon wrote:Actually, it would be HIS maximum- their is plural...
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