How do you use a regular hero in skirmish mode?

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How do you use a regular hero in skirmish mode?

Unread postby camelotcrusade » 15 Oct 2011, 05:05

I just got my game and have been enjoying the first mission, and then I decided to take a break and set up a basic skirmish map, a free-for-all with a couple AIs. However, I couldn't figure out how to set my first player as a regular, out-of-the-box hero. It seemed like I could only select a Legacy hero.

It looks neat, but I really don't understand why I must pick a Legacy hero - or why I would always want to, what their deal is, etc. I eventually figured out I had to make a new hero in order to have one of the factions I didn't initially have (Inferno), and in so doing I had a semi-confusing screen where I could assign up to 30 points of abilities. I appeared to be building a max-level hero when I just wanted to play somebody level 1 and get going.

I fooled around for 10 more minutes and when I started the map my hastily-made hero was in fact level 1. So what was the deal with all those choices. Has anybody figured this out yet?

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Unread postby Romanov77 » 15 Oct 2011, 10:19

I would also like to know that...

Too often playing this game I wondered what the hell is wrong with UBi, screwing up things like this...

I hate myself saying this , but again I'd rather play Homm3 or 4 than this.
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Unread postby camelotcrusade » 15 Oct 2011, 18:20

I know, right? I am not opposed to this new feature, but some more in-game explanations plus the option to do it the old way (again, in an obvious way) would be most appreciated.

If anybody figures this out, please let us know!

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Unread postby Mozared » 15 Oct 2011, 18:24

For as far as I understood it, the deal in building that level 30 Dynasty hero is that you get to choose that skills you learn. As in: you have 30 points to spend, and the talent build you create with that are the talents you'll be able to pick as you level up your hero. As in: you cannot ever obtain the talents you did not pick in the dynasty window with that hero, if that makes sense.

Then again, it could just be that that is what your hero looks like at level 30 in duel mode.

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Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 16 Oct 2011, 02:49

Remeber when games used to come with manuels? 8|

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Unread postby Metathron » 16 Oct 2011, 11:52

mr.hackcrag wrote:Remeber when games used to come with manuels? 8|
But why produce a detailed manual when nowadays fans will produce one for you, free of charge and sometimes even before the release date?
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Unread postby Tress » 16 Oct 2011, 12:03

mr.hackcrag wrote:Remeber when games used to come with manuels? 8|
Cant say that 3do mm/homm game "manuels" were that much helpful. Most they had was listing down hot keys or explaining town screen that were intuitive anyway. MM9 manual didnt even had skill cap lists....

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Unread postby Romanov77 » 16 Oct 2011, 12:48

Back on topic, there's no way to play with different heroes? Other than those preset ones?

I cannot believe I am actually asking could such abomination survive through development and betatesting?
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Unread postby fiur » 16 Oct 2011, 21:12

U can make as many heroes you like.... (click dynasty) and at the bottom choose the button to the left... then at the top click on new hero.....

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Unread postby Kasaaz » 17 Oct 2011, 07:15

When you create a new character, it will let you lay out their skills all the way to level 30. This is only really used for Duel games online, not for regular skirmish maps. You don't need to worry about them if you just want to create a character or two to use in the regular game.

It also seems that once you finish a campaign, the main character for that campaign is unlocked for you to use as a hero in other modes as well.

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Unread postby camelotcrusade » 17 Oct 2011, 18:35

Thanks for the replies everybody. Still can't figure this out. I wonder if it's tied to being on the conflux or not... maybe this works if you're in offline mode. If that's true, I'd still like to be able to use it whenever I want.

I also liked the randomness of not knowing what I will get when I level up, at least in skirmish mode.

And I too reached for a manual to explain this, but couldn't find one. I did not see the answer to this in the otherwise much appreciated fan-made one, either.

Finally, it is indeed true you can make heroes to fit all the situations you might want. I just don't think I should have to go through the bother when perfectly acceptable heroes are already available to use. By the time we're ready for hotseat, we've wasted so much energy making heroes...

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Unread postby Kyfa » 17 Oct 2011, 23:51

Anyone know of a way to use one of the heroes you could hire in the tavern through any of the campaigns?

Like the idea of just starting from L1 and picking and choosing skills as I progress through a skirmish map, guess just like any of the previous heroes versions.


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Unread postby wneubert » 19 Oct 2011, 04:41

I am trying to figure this out too. I don't have a complete understanding, but I may be able to get you something. But first let me tell you, there IS a manual buried somewhere in the game's directory called manual.pdf, and it has a lot of info in it, but not this, or a great many things. It is sad that I found it just by luck after playing for days and figuring most things out.

Now, about hero selection. The only one I partly figured out is online, help would be appreciated for offline. In the dynasty screens you can make a hero. You can name it and choose portraits, traits, specializations, faction, sex, and might or magic. This hero will be selectable when you start a skirmish map. This will basically let you play skirmish with any hero you want at least. Some heros are predefined too (even more for deluxe), and I read something in the manual about unlocking campaign heroes, but no idea how.

This does not allow you to build any hero from the Hall of Heroes though. There are 10 heroes of each faction in the Hall, but only 5 portraits on the dynasty screen. However, additional portraits are are for sale in the alter of wishes, maybe in combination it has all the portaits of the Hall of Heroes.

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