Am I missing something here?

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Am I missing something here?

Unread postby DayTripper » 30 Jul 2011, 00:25

Hi there Heroes community! This is my first post. I've been playing Heroes since the third incarnation on the PC and since Might and Magic 2 on the Amiga, so it's been a very enjoyable ride for me!

I was prompted to post by something that seemed amiss! Any suggestions, are most welcome! Thanks for reading! :)

I started playing the map Shadow Dreams (ToE) on Hard and I was really enjoying it, but then at the end of the second week a Red hero came in with a similarly sized army and I attacked him.

It was going ok, until I realised his 4 minotaurs were a little powerful. Mousing over them, I saw they has 3000 hit points each, and had a damage range of 275-300. This seemed a bit unfair - it's claimed to be a hard map, but am I meant to suck this up and deal with it? Or was it a bug? It just seemed a little too powerful for me!

Similarly, this evening, I started playing Sorcerer's Isle and during week 2, I get smashed about by a large enemy army that comes and invades me that has 3000 hit point dragons that also do 300 base damage each?

Help please! I'd like to get started on these maps, but I'm not sure I'm good enough to deal with these early threats.


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Unread postby Bonzer » 30 Jul 2011, 10:05

Hi DayTripper,

I can tell you what this is. You have probably downloaded some fan made maps and left them in your "Maps" folder with all the others. "Of course", you say, "what else would you do?" (If you are young enough you'd probably add, "like.....Duuh!").

Well some fan made maps have had various stats adjusted by the makers. For a short list of these go to the sixth post in this thread...


Note that even if you aren't playing one these adjujsted maps, if they are in the Maps folder they may have an effect on the stats of a map you are playing.

The short list there isn't all of these maps, just a few.
What I have done to avoid this problem is to create a new folder which I have called "TempMaps" and I keep all my Fan made maps there, dragging them in the true maps folder (in Windows) when I want to play one.

I also have a "Map Docs" folder where I put any accompanying docs to help if I am stuck or to give stats on any changes that the maker has published. These are usually found with the map in the zip file.

I hope this helps and that the link works. If it doesn't I'll repost with directions to it.

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Unread postby DayTripper » 01 Aug 2011, 21:43

Hi Bonzer,

Thanks for your fast response, that was indeed the problem. I've taken your advice and created a sub-folder for modded maps and I'll move them into the main maps folder as and when I wish to play them.

/Thumbs up!

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