Does ubisoft suck

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.

Does ubisoft suck?

Yes, stick to your own *** games
No, my little angels(devils)
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Does ubisoft suck

Unread postby WFW-PREDATOR » 27 Mar 2006, 10:41

After reading meny post about Heroes games and stuff:
Heroes 5 sucking ***
People cant install expansion packs to theyr 3DO games after ubisoft has taken over.
ubisofts 1 month delay on Heroes 5 every month.

just some things ubisoft have screwed up for us

Some games like Far Cry isnt a bad game, but continuing to make games previously made from other developers isnt a good idea.
I begin to ting that "ubisoft" is beginning to be a "curse word"
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Unread postby Pitsu » 27 Mar 2006, 11:03

WFW-PREDATOR wrote: People cant install expansion packs to theyr 3DO games after ubisoft has taken over.
It is great that Ubi re-released the titles. However, IF the new releases are incompatible with old ones it should have been stated more clearly by them.
ubisofts 1 month delay on Heroes 5 every month.
8| This is a false claim. There was 1 delay, perhaps partly connected to fan petition and no more official delay.

Other than that, how do question "does Ubi ****?" and answer "stick to your own games" go along? Edit the question to more specific (and less lame) or the poll will be closed.

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Unread postby WFW-PREDATOR » 27 Mar 2006, 11:11

I dont think you have seen tothegame
they have the real release of games
first off it was march, then april, now its may
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Unread postby dallasmavs41 » 27 Mar 2006, 11:32

Ubisoft was awesome to release the games again...I don't think we can say that Heroes V "sucks" until everybody plays the full version of the game...True, they've had a few problems, but that doesn't mean that they are terrible..

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Unread postby WFW-PREDATOR » 27 Mar 2006, 11:37

well they did hold back the game for 2 moths more due to some major changes in the game
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Unread postby Psychobabble » 27 Mar 2006, 23:54

WFW-PREDATOR wrote:well they did hold back the game for 2 moths more due to some major changes in the game
That was a Good Thing (TM). It wasn't finished and they held it back to finish it. they would have sucked if they rushed the product out the door in an unfinished state (see KOTOR 2, X3 and about half the other games on the market) but they held it back to finish it. That's not sucking.

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