MM8: Favorite female character

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).

MM8: Favorite female character

Knight, Top row. Default character; otherwise unused
Cleric, Top row. Unused in NPCs. A shame
Necromancer, Top row. Unused in NPCs. A shame
Dark Elf, Top row. AKA Rohani Oscleton
Knight, Bottom row. AKA Leane Stormlance
Cleric, Bottom row. Unused in NPCs. A shame
Necromancer, Bottom row. AKA Karanya Memoria
Vampire, Bottom row. AKA Elsbeth Lamentia and Infaustus)
Dak Elf, Bottom row. AKA Cauri Blackthorne
These all suck. I wanted a female minotaur!
These all suck. I wanted a female troll!
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MM8: Favorite female character

Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 23 Jun 2011, 01:27


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Unread postby XEL II » 23 Jun 2011, 03:37

Definetly Cauri.
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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 23 Jun 2011, 09:21

Indeed. But speaking of which, is there a list of hirelings and their portraits, so that you could avoid the "identical twin" syndrome after you have chosen your main character? It's quite jarring when you see two people who are absolutely identical. And even then, aren't there duplicates within the hirelings themselves?

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Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 23 Jun 2011, 11:43

All the male portraits are used.

The blonde male cleric, the second male knight, and the brown minotaur, appear THREE times each.

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Unread postby tolich » 23 Jun 2011, 13:10

Unused in NPCs. A shame
No, a shame is that PC portraits are used for NPCs hirelings at all.

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Unread postby hatsforclowns » 23 Jun 2011, 16:02

Definately knight, top row. :)

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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 23 Jun 2011, 16:34

UndeadHalfOrc wrote:All the male portraits are used.

The blonde male cleric, the second male knight, and the brown minotaur, appear THREE times each.
Does that include minotaurs, trolls and, err, dragons?

In which case, only 4 portraits are left, two of which are of the same class. Well, talk about limited choice.

Has anyone ever made a hireling editor, by the way? Or maybe editing a party member and discarding it changes the hireling's appearance in the tavern?

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Unread postby hatsforclowns » 23 Jun 2011, 16:39

GreatEmerald wrote:
UndeadHalfOrc wrote:All the male portraits are used.

The blonde male cleric, the second male knight, and the brown minotaur, appear THREE times each.
Does that include minotaurs, trolls and, err, dragons?

In which case, only 4 portraits are left, two of which are of the same class. Well, talk about limited choice.

Has anyone ever made a hireling editor, by the way? Or maybe editing a party member and discarding it changes the hireling's appearance in the tavern?
Something like MM7Che/MM8Che? Can't remember what it was called...

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Unread postby MMXAlamar » 24 Jun 2011, 23:29

Lol some artist decided to show Cauri's nipple poking through :P

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Unread postby tolich » 25 Jun 2011, 03:59

Cleric in the bottom row. She's cutie.

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Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 25 Jun 2011, 12:00

MMXAlamar wrote:Lol some artist decided to show Cauri's nipple poking through :P
If you look closely, it shows for all of them except the top row dark elf, and the bottom row necromancer and vampire.

And the bottom row cleric (which is a cutie, I agree) has a cameltoe showing 8|

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Unread postby BoardGuest808888 » 10 Jul 2011, 05:05

hatsforclowns wrote:Definately knight, top row. :)
I second this :-D

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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 28 Aug 2011, 14:10

It was a tough choice between the top cleric and Cauri, but ultimately I went for the top cleric. Especially when I remembered that Cauri's default voice is the Bimbo one. :)
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 26 Sep 2011, 17:38

Is that a black widow spider simbol on your crotch, or are you just happy to see me?
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Unread postby BoardGuest808888 » 29 Sep 2011, 09:22

Both it seems :-D
UndeadHalfOrc wrote: If you look closely, it shows for all of them except the top row dark elf, and the bottom row necromancer and vampire.

And the bottom row cleric (which is a cutie, I agree) has a cameltoe showing 8|
They've got 'em too. Just a bit more difficult to see because of black outfits.

And why the lich isn't there ? (even this one got 'em too.... :-D )

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Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 29 Sep 2011, 23:44

BoardGuest808888 wrote:Both it seems :-D
UndeadHalfOrc wrote: If you look closely, it shows for all of them except the top row dark elf, and the bottom row necromancer and vampire.

And the bottom row cleric (which is a cutie, I agree) has a cameltoe showing 8|
They've got 'em too. Just a bit more difficult to see because of black outfits.

And why the lich isn't there ? (even this one got 'em too.... :-D )
Because I hate the developer's lazy job on Liches in MM8. Portraits and voice are recycled from MM7. Whenever I promote my necros in MM8 I change their sprite/voice back to their original Necromancer one (via MM8CHE) and I pretend that while they may have become undead, their body hasn't YET started to decay :D

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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 30 Sep 2011, 04:52

I just wish my female lich's voice didn't sound like she'd smoked 800 cigarettes in 3 minutes . . .
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Unread postby koval321 » 02 Oct 2011, 09:47

liked vampiress and her russian accent, but played four necromancers (trough mod which put all characters to tavern) btw they all look better from females in mm6

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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 02 Oct 2011, 14:23

It's almost universally agreed that MM6 had hideous character portraits all around.
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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 04 Oct 2011, 20:20

Bandobras Took wrote:It's almost universally agreed that MM6 had hideous character portraits all around.

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