Need help with a glitch on the MM7 Maestro's mod.

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Need help with a glitch on the MM7 Maestro's mod.

Unread postby Graylandertagger » 09 Feb 2011, 23:34

I'm stuck on a main quest on the MM7 Maestro mod which is based on the MM7Rev4modR1 mod which has a new story. After getting off Emerald Island I was told to enter castle Harmondale and kill all to bandits inside it(in the Maestro mod the Goblins are replaced with bandits). I cleared out every room killing all the enemies. However dispite this the the game still thinks that ememies are stil there. My map shows small bits leading into what is supposed to be new rooms in the castle that are supposed to be unlocked later on in the game. It's as if some of the enemies are placed in rooms I can't access yet. I can't find a fanmade patch online that allows me to activate no clipping mode which would allow me to walk through walls and kill to remaining enemies. Any suggestion on what I should do?

Also i've downloaded Might and Magic VI: The Chaos Conspiracy mod, but I don't know how to install it. I comes with a PDF file, but my computer does recognize it. Thanks.

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Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 10 Feb 2011, 06:36

1) maestro mod:

take a look on the torches inside the castle...are all of them are the same? are theare any stranges? better to save before do something...torch could be magical.

2) TCC:

PDF - are compiled files with text and pictures. you need a PDF reader or acrobat reader to view them. there are the instruction about installation. main idea is to replace original MM6 files with new one from part 1 and start a new game...better to install that programms and open and read PDF.
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Unread postby Graylandertagger » 10 Feb 2011, 19:20

Thank you for your help. I'll try that.

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