He's posted around several free boards imploring whoever took it to return it.
He's also pretty sure now Homm 4 and some rare Demo discs were in there too.This has been missing for a couple weeks now. I believe it may have been... picked up from inside of my car at the parking lot of either Loblaws at Kanata Centrum, Costco at Silver seven or in front of my workplace.
First I'll go into a little background detail.
My wife and I bought this laptop under a year ago. We poured out hearts and souls into it. We worked very hard to save up the money to buy the laptop. My laptop (an Asus K50 AB) was the most powerful and expensive computer in my household. The rest are very antiquated. I also used it for work and for, well, everything really. Together, we created a lot of content for youtube which she posted: http://www.youtube.com/user/Shyranis (Some of those videos are probably still on the data partition). My latest resume was on the machine. Not that it has been much of a help to me personally, we've struggled with debt and have come close to losing the house a few times because I keep getting laid off from downsizing jobs. My wife has to look after our two kids (ages 1 year 5 months and 2 months old repectively) and cannot work. You'd recognize the computer probably if you start it up. It loads Windows 7 Enterprise (you can't buy it, I got it from Technet, which I no longer have access to.) There are also several programming projects on there I had been using to try to learn the craft to use in my trade (I am a computer engineer, really just a fancy term for tech support but I wanted to learn to program to complement my skills). Also full versions of various microsoft software I had gotten via Microsoft Dreamspark while I was a student earning my MCSE (the government paid for my schooling during the worst of the layoffs... also when the bus strike happened. Ever had to walk to downtown from the west end because you can't afford anything else?) What's more we have baby pictures and videos on that laptop we can't replace. If you find it and you're a parent you'll know how irreplaceable those are! Things were just going well for us. I come from a family where my snow father cheated on my mother and left her with crippling debt she still has to work 3 terrible jobs just to keep from losing her house. My wife comes from a family that lost a lot of relatives to starvation and war, she survived genocide as an infant. These pictures are very important.
On top of that, I stupidly had (if you're a geek you'll know how sentimental we get) left some games in the contents of my bag.
Many of these games are also incredibly hard to replace but at the same time, command little to no monetary value.
The hardest to replace would be Battle Chess Enhanced. It was my first ever Cd-rom game.
Also I believe among those discs were collectors edition Cds (though worthless without the box) of Civilization 4 and also a disc that had Civ 2 and 1.
Other games include:
Worms Armageddon
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 and Armageddon's Blade.
Heroes of Might and Magic (2 copies of it in the same jewel case! One is the DOS version I got back with Heroes 2 so long ago as a teen, the other is a "heroes compendium" disc I had found at Salvation Army.) <-hard to replace
Civilization 3
Unreal Tournament
Total Annihilation
Lords of Everquest (game in Jewel case)
There are probably others but I don't remember them at the moment.
I had a lot of my life's work on that hard drive. There is software on and in it that is irreplaceable. The pictures on it cannot be taken again.
I also had a USB Key, Kingston. 8GB in that bag as well.
Please if you have any sense of decency woven into your moral fabric, return our property.
I have never had anything this big stolen from me before, but I guess I was always a sucker. And that's why my dreams of providing for my family always get dashed, because I place too much trust in the world and don't always check my locks.
Well, thanks for reading. Please return my things.
Can't afford to get a new computer and most of the software there is just irreplaceable.
Sorry I haven't been around here.
Oh right. I forgot that I also had some downloaded games I got by donating to charity with the Humble Indie Bundle...