It's been five years since the Map Contest and I have given up on ever seeing the next patch, but I would still love to publish my map. I'd like to remove all the new stuff and make the map compatible with Equi or WoW, but obviously it cannot be done with the standard editor. The trouble is the map was made with the Contest editor, which I don't have anymore. I've tried editing it with the latest (unofficial) patch, but it didn't work as it's a far cry from the Contest version:
Could anybody help me please? In brief, send me a private message with the Contest editor, or if you are a dev and prefer not to share it, I'll send you the map and you could remove the new stuff (a bunch of adventure objects) yourself and mail the map back to me.
A lot of work went into that scenario and I'd hate to see it go to waste, which seems to be the case.