Inferno - Mission 3 on Hard

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Inferno - Mission 3 on Hard

Unread postby Gekneldeland » 08 Oct 2010, 07:22

First. I'm playing this on hard and I WILL finnish this mission on hard... :mad:

I've read quite a bit about other players' strategies and it has helped but I am still getting my a$$ kicked.

My biggest problem is I'm not getting enough units fast enough. And I need them to take the second city at the top right (seemingly) as quickly as possible before Gilraen arrives . But the creatures on the way (like those bloody phoenix) are too difficult. By the time I have enough units I need them all just to get passed some of the creatures, and then my city is left undefended and then Gilraen and his hoard take it and then... etc. :|

Last night I ignored my inferno city. Just focused on the Sylvan. Worked pretty good except I need resources, and I need it badly.

How in blazes do some of you get to hoard up a large enough army in such a short time? 8|

I thought of COMPLETELY ignoring the inferno town. Click right on the first sylvan unit and then straight to town. That should happen in 2-3 days. I'm not even going to bother taking extra inferno units from the surrounding dens.

This mission is a freak. Hope someone has advice.

(If I think I'm having a hard time with this game I might reconsider - I'm getting Eleven legacy this afternoon. Wish me luck... seems I'll need it! )

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Unread postby Mirez » 08 Oct 2010, 10:02

I suggest you read a walkthrough
treants are dendrosexual 0_o

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