banning ALL sources of Dimension Door

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banning ALL sources of Dimension Door

Unread postby InfernalBrute » 12 Sep 2010, 20:43

I am using in the Wake of Gods. The current game is a long, very fun game vs 7 computer opponents (all different teams).

The problem is that one or two computer opponents is using Dimension Door with its heroes, and I have to wait a VERY long time for the AI turn to complete.

I have banned Dimension Door, Town Portal and all such spells in the WoGify options, as you can see from this image.


Uploaded with

I also banned Dimension Door from the mage guild in all the towns. I also removed Shrine of Magic Gesture (level 1 spell), Shrine of Magic Thought (level 2 spell?) and the 3rd Shrine of... forgot the name.

I am wondering, did I miss any Dimension Door source?

I am unsure what Slava's Ring of Power and Magic Wand artifacts do, so I just banned it to be sure.

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Unread postby emrysblack » 12 Sep 2010, 20:52

is it possible that the heroes learned it through skills? such as eagle eye or scholar? Or someone has the tome of air or something? Or spellbinder's hat?

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obelisk v2.0
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Unread postby obelisk v2.0 » 13 Sep 2010, 05:48

The screenshot shows that Tome of Air and Spellbinder's Hat are both banned.
Eagle Eye and Scholar, if I remember correctly, do not give level 5 spells.

If there is a Conflux town on the map, an opponent may have seized it and built the Rainbow there, and spell banning doesn't really affect that.
I always have this problem when I play and do not remove all Confluxes from the map, except then everyone can do DD, because I always put all opponents in one team. And then as soon as someone gets the Rainbow, everyone else town portals there and gets DD and makes my life hell. :)

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Unread postby Pitsu » 13 Sep 2010, 11:29

Conflux grail could indeed give DD. Although it is not called rainbow but aurora borealis aka northern light.
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Unread postby InfernalBrute » 13 Sep 2010, 18:01

ahhhh so the culprit was in the conflux. Thanks a lot for the help guys. I know there are 2 confluxes in the map to remove.

Also, does my WoGify ban list cover all instances of:

-Water Walk
-Town Portal
-Summon X Elemental

I also personally removed the Fly, Water Walk, Town Portal and Summon Elemental X from all Mage Guilds.

What I am trying to do is:
-Remove insane logistical nonsense from a game that otherwise is the most fun I've had even after hours of play.

So think Lord of the Rings (no teleports, infinite armies or flying armies) but with the cooler, more flavorful monsters and towns of HOMM 3 :D

Lord of the Rings has cool monsters from one mythology, HOMM 3 has cool monsters from ALL mythologies.

I highly doubt that HOMM 6 will be more fun than HOMM 3 + WoG.

Someone should re-hire the artists that did HOMM 3, the art style here is much better than crazy cartoonish style of some modern games.

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