Is it naga faction ?

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Is it naga faction ?

Unread postby ecsunotos » 02 Sep 2010, 04:55

From Heroes Community. It's said that these pics were drawn by Oliver Ledroit in 2007.
Is it HoMM VI ?
Is it heroes of naga faction or just naga troops of a faction ( original and upgraded troops ) ?


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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 02 Sep 2010, 06:01

Actually i think they where old concept art left over from H5.

Frankly i hope that if the Naga are in they'll be a bit less dressed in almost exact replicas of japanese clothing...
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Unread postby Nelgirith » 02 Sep 2010, 07:42

Aye, all the naga concepts were drawn by Olivier Ledroit and Adrian Smith for Nival for H5 (Remember the Naga Pavillion thingie in TotE ?). Tbh I don't see Ubisoft putting a Naga Geisha in a PEGI 12 game (without saying that it looks absolutely ugly).

The arts by Adrian Smith were much better : ... oncept.png ... oncept.png

Even the Nival one was better : ... oncept.png

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Unread postby ecsunotos » 02 Sep 2010, 07:55

Yup ... Oliver's were "horrible" and freaks :P

Nival's is the best I think


Btw, I remember some one ever said in a post mention about naga faction. Any body knows about this rumor ? Is it true ?

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Unread postby Elvin » 02 Sep 2010, 08:10

There's nothing official about it but they did say there will be a new faction. It is a probability, then again most people thought we'd see nagas in tote as well. Ubi is notorious for leaving a lot of hints that may or not play a role later.
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Unread postby ecsunotos » 02 Sep 2010, 08:38

I don't think naga deserve to become a faction ...
don't know why ;|

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Unread postby Darkström » 02 Sep 2010, 10:27

ecsunotos wrote:I don't think naga deserve to become a faction ...
don't know why ;|
If it means a quasi-return of the H3 fortress, many people will be happy.

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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 02 Sep 2010, 10:39

Japanese-themed naga sound cool!
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Unread postby Kalah » 02 Sep 2010, 11:04

Sure, as long as they don't overdo it. With Nival (=overkill) out of the way, there is hope.
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Unread postby klaymen » 02 Sep 2010, 11:38

Samurai-like nagas? Eww, disgusting.
Ninja troglodytes will be next faction?
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Unread postby Darkström » 02 Sep 2010, 11:45

If you asked me, they should rather have an Indian style instead of Chinese/Japanese. Fits better to the jungle terrain and their mythological origin.

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Unread postby Elvin » 02 Sep 2010, 11:51

Surely you don't expect a naga faction looking like this? :) H6 unit design is coherent from what you may have seen, those would make no sense not to mention they are from 2007 or something. I bet black hole wasn't even in the game back then.
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Unread postby Soronarr » 02 Sep 2010, 12:14

Meh.....don't like it.

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Unread postby jeff4815 » 02 Sep 2010, 12:26

klaymen wrote:Samurai-like nagas? Eww, disgusting.
Ninja troglodytes will be next faction?
Ninja Troglodytes? I sure hope so! Yeah, I don't think I'd want a Naga faction unless it had some really diverse creatures, unlike the Dwarves faction.
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Unread postby Dex » 02 Sep 2010, 12:54

Elvin wrote:Surely you don't expect a naga faction looking like this? :) H6 unit design is coherent from what you may have seen, those would make no sense not to mention they are from 2007 or something. I bet black hole wasn't even in the game back then.
It's not Black Hole that decides about the style. It's Ubisoft, and their main artist that sets the style for all other designs is Oliver Ledroit. You might notice that the new Necropolis designs are far closer to his work that the ones Nival did, so if there is a Naga faction in, I suppose the style will resamble that of his paintings. At least to a certain extent.

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Unread postby Elvin » 02 Sep 2010, 13:03

Sure but I'm not convinced that this is the case. This is a plain ripoff of a real culture, one that would look real uncomfortable in combat as well. The rest are rather realistic in comparison.
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Unread postby Jac » 02 Sep 2010, 14:38

Japanese style clothing with Chinese style accessories, but seems that only the Japanese side is "visible". Typical... but really I think the artist did try to mix the cultures, but as it turns out (typically) all things oriental is only known as Japanese in the West? Too much Samurai... not enough of everything else lol.


Do you see it now? I thought the Yin/Yang symbol on his belt was pretty obvious...

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Unread postby Nelgirith » 02 Sep 2010, 15:30

Dex wrote:It's not Black Hole that decides about the style. It's Ubisoft, and their main artist that sets the style for all other designs is Oliver Ledroit. You might notice that the new Necropolis designs are far closer to his work that the ones Nival did, so if there is a Naga faction in, I suppose the style will resamble that of his paintings. At least to a certain extent.
1) Olivier Ledroit is not an Ubisoft employee - just like Paul Romero and Rob King are not Ubisoft employees

2) If Olivier Ledroit draws something that Ubisoft doesn't like, they won't use it, nor buy his drawings rights - that's most likely why those nagas didn't make it to H5.

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Unread postby Dex » 02 Sep 2010, 16:48

Nelgirith wrote:
Dex wrote:It's not Black Hole that decides about the style. It's Ubisoft, and their main artist that sets the style for all other designs is Oliver Ledroit. You might notice that the new Necropolis designs are far closer to his work that the ones Nival did, so if there is a Naga faction in, I suppose the style will resamble that of his paintings. At least to a certain extent.
1) Olivier Ledroit is not an Ubisoft employee - just like Paul Romero and Rob King are not Ubisoft employees

2) If Olivier Ledroit draws something that Ubisoft doesn't like, they won't use it, nor buy his drawings rights - that's most likely why those nagas didn't make it to H5.
On one hand you are true. Indeed what Ubisoft doesn't like doesn't get into the game, but on the other hand Ledroit was asked by Erwan Le Breton to create the identity for the game, as he said in an interview:

Strategy Informer: How were you brought to work on the Might & Magic universe?
Oliver Ledroit: Erwan got in touch with me in the first place. He was looking for a drawer who could give Might & Magic a strong visual identity. The universes I picture in my graphic novels are dark, warlike and violent. This was exactly the direction that Erwan wanted the Might & Magic world to take.

And if that's not the case, than it's one hell of a coincidence that Necropolis troops get spider legs and their back, just like we've seen a couple of years before in some images Ledroit drew.

As far as the Nagas are concerned we get concept pieces from three different artists, each of which presents the Nagas as a faction somehow featuring Asian, or even Japanese themes.

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Unread postby ecsunotos » 03 Sep 2010, 01:02

There will be 5 factions in HoMM VI. The fifth claimed to be a new faction.
Just imagining the fifth is naga faction. What'll the lines up be ?


Level 1 : Lizarman ... ( due to reptilian ) :P
Level 2 : Serpent Fly ( flyer but still reptilian too ) :P
Level 3 : Sheikh ... ( Indian ) :P
Level 4 : no Idea. ;|
Level 5 : Naga ... ( surely )
Level 6 : Rakshasha ... ( same indian culture w/ naga )
Level 7 : Shiva ( or one of Indian God / Goddess ( ? ))

Just for fun, guys ... :D

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