Heroes V No Copy Protection = Increase in Sales

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Heroes V No Copy Protection = Increase in Sales

Unread postby Starheaven » 09 Mar 2006, 08:45

I have been playing Heroes M&M for a long time and I am looking forward to Heroes V with reservations. I am deeply concerned what the copy right protection software will do to my PC.
I have no pirated software and buy all my games.
Game publishers/developers should stop punishing people who support their product legitimately with copy protection.

For this reason I may not purchase the game and am sure many many others feel the same.

Ubisoft take a leaf out of Stardock with its aclaimed strategy game Galactic Civlizations 2, no copy protection and is currently number One in PC sales. The game has a huge fan base simply by word of mouth and trusting people and the support Stardock provide. Each game has a unique serial number that requires registering to obtain updates. It gives no reason for people to look at hacking the game or going to piracy.
If only all the publishers/developers open their eyes and see that copy protection frustrates and drives away people and does not increase their sales.
I sincerely hope others take note what Stardock and Paradox have achieved ***Huge Sales*** No copy protection.

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Unread postby Orfinn » 09 Mar 2006, 10:35

I wish UBI, Nival could just learn! Their new baby (H5) is nearly as great as I hoped for, but ofcourse they ruin everything wit hStarForce.

But hey we need morons and yerks in the world too along with nice and respectful people or there would be no balance between "good" and "bad" :butterfly:

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 09 Mar 2006, 10:40

Wellcome Starheaven.But this issue is already being discussed in many topics,so I guess this one will be closed soon.

Check this thread if you want.

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