Dark Messiah - jumping problems

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Dark Messiah - jumping problems

Unread postby Artas1984 » 18 Mar 2010, 17:09

This game has just enough bad things to counter it's good things..
One moment i think that it is cool with all of the balanced fighting stuff, and the other moment i think it sux, mostly due to it's source engine..

Problem: the ghoul takes the crystal and you are supposed to follow him.
So how the f^^k are you supposed to jump through that window?
What i am missing? Don't tell me that "it's just a jump"...

Is there so sort of formula to gain some leap like some kind of frog in order to jump like that ghoul?

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Unread postby arturchix » 18 Mar 2010, 18:23

IIRC it's really nothing more than just a jump. ;| You can watch some video walkthroughs on Youtube - the only thing you have to worry about is falling down.

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Re: Dark Messiah - jumping problems

Unread postby Angelspit » 18 Mar 2010, 19:53

Artas1984 wrote:This game has just enough bad things to counter it's good things..
And possibly enough good things to counter the weaknesses. I've been meaning to give it another run, but never found the time.
I'm on Steam and Xbox Live.

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Unread postby Macros the Black » 18 Mar 2010, 23:41

Stand as much to the right on the window as possible so you can make the turn I guess. Dunno what to tell you.. It IS just a jump :S
You'd think Darkmoor was a ghost town, but instead there's plenty of life among the dead.

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Re: Dark Messiah - jumping problems

Unread postby Werfire » 28 Jul 2024, 22:20

Well... It took me some time to figure that out (like 10 mins of pounding into a window). But the answer is... You must hold the Spacebar for climbing, not just press it, jeez :)

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