saying hey!

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saying hey!

Unread postby Ecthelion1224 » 19 Nov 2009, 21:46

hey folks,
been lurking on the forums for about 3 weeks now, just got back into homm5 (and downloaded tote) then.

gave it up pretty soon after first getting it, my comp at the time made for horribly long ai turns. newer comp now isnt so bad.

mainly play sp, usually a generated map, extra large, with the custom template that has 14 towns. been amping up the number of comp players and difficulty.

currently working on an interesting scenario at the moment. playing stronghold as my main hero/town, an am loving the orcs and rage mechanic, not usually my style, being aggressive, but its fun.

heroic difficulty, my first foray into it, with 3 computer opponents, free for all.
blue was taken out a few weeks ago, down to yellow, who's controlling 10 towns, green with 1 town, and myself with just 3.

looking sort of grim, i thought, although ive beaten back two of yellows heroes, without them fleeing, while still able to maintain a good chunk of my army.

keeping my main hero stocked with orcs and defending, while working on leveling a necro and a demon lord, to match the other two towns ive captured. necro's 14, demon lord is lagging behind at 8. real touch and go right now, but i think once i can get both the necro and demon to 20, and finish building up their towns, i should be able to go on the offensive more with my main, leaving them to control the two main invasion points.

anyways, just wanted to drop a line and say hello, and to see how active these forums may, or may not be. i need more to read while waiting on the ai turns! :D

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Unread postby Kalah » 19 Nov 2009, 22:15

Welcome to the forums, very welcome indeed. :)

Since we have a dedicated "hello-thread", I'll close this one so you can hop over there.

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